Bahtawi, reggae music onboarding steemit and starting producing.

in #jahm5 years ago

I've been The last months (All my life) looking for a way to cause social impact through Art and culture, I think that this is mainly to develop as an independent musician, which is a dream that requires managing not only the area of performance but also series of blocks to be executed in the technical area, although the roadhas been uphill little by little T he pertinent connections have been given to carry out the first production pilot.

It is my first experience in this area from this perspective and I have taken it with much happiness, grateful to the friends what I have done and they have accompanied me in this wonderful experience, especially to @luisanacastillo and @ roger.remix who are constantly there to help sustain this creative energy addressed to Caracas and Reggae.

Bahtawi is a Venezuelan reggae band with great trajectory and exceptional human warmth, it is a great pleasure to connect with human beings like them, onelove!


he estado Los ultimos meses(Toda mi vida) buscando la forma de causar impacto social a traves del Arte y la cultura,Creo yo qué esto es principalmente para desenvolverme como musico independiente, que es un sueño el cual requiere manejar no solo el area de performance si no Una serie de bloques a ejecutar en el area tecnica, aunque El Camino ha sido cuesta arriba poco a poco se Han dado Las conexiones pertinentes para llevar a cabo un piloto de producción musical.

es mi primera experiencia en esta area desde esta perspectiva y lo he tomado con mucha dicha, agradecido con Los amigos qué he hecho y me Han acompañado en esta maravillosa experiencia, especialmente a @luisanacastillo y a @roger.remix quienes constantemente estan ahi para ayudar a sostener esta energia creadora direccionada a Caracas y el Reggae.

Bahtawi es Una Banda de reggae Venezolano con gran trayectoria y de calor humano excepcional, es un enorme gusto conectar con seres humanos como ellos, Pura Buena vibra!



Positive vibrations! Looking forward to hearing that sound.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Excelente amigo, que lleguen los éxitos, si deseas ayuda sobre alguna letra musical, te podría ayudar. la constancia es vital para lograr estar en la cima.

Excellent friend, may the hits come, if you want help on some music lyrics, I could help you. Constancy is vital to get to the top.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

constancia y disciplina son vitales, basados en Una Buena infraestructura!

Keep up the good work, can't wait to hear it

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Puras buenas energías emanan de los instrumentos de Bahtawi, que se sigan promoviendo el reggae venezolano, felicitaciones al equipo que te acompaña @joseacabrerav

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