in #jacksonvoid6 years ago (edited)

When asked what is the biggest mistake we make in life the Budha replied “The biggest mistake is for you to think you have time.” Time is free, but it is priceless, you cannot own it but you can use it. A great philosopher once said that “it is an irony of language that the most commonly used words are the most difficult to define.”
Time can be said to be the period at which an event is successfully completed or the quality of availability of duration.
There are three different set of people in life

  1. Those who have lots of money but little time.
  2. Those who have lots of time but little money.
  3. Those who have lots of money and lots of time.
  1. Those who have lots of money but little time, these set of people spend most of their life working, trying to get more affluence, without having time for friends, and themselves. They are never satisfied with what they have. That means they are not prosperous.
  1. These set of people do not know their aim of being a human, they always sit back and talk about problems wasting their precious time which is meant to be invested. But at the end, they find themselves in the things they talk about.

  2. The category of those that have lots of time and money, they understand that Maximum effectiveness requires balance. We are all made up of physical, rational emotional and spiritual dimensions. These various level of existence co-exist in mutual dependence on hierarchical sub-division. That is to say that if one aspect of your life is malfunctioning, the other aspects will be affected. But a good productive day of work enables you to have great rest at night; and a great rest at night enables you to have a productive day of work. Life is a circle of effort and rest, and the effectiveness of each depends on the other.

However, to manage your time, you have to do all things with passion. A passionate life is not easily swayed or distracted. Find out what drives you. As for me, I love animations and while I'm modelling or rigging, every other stuff means nothing.
I hope you enjoyed this.

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