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in #j3i64ic1s5 years ago

Beta 版 Steam 新增单机多人游戏远程同乐功能

"如不久前预告的一样,早些时候 Valve 在最新的 Steam beta 版本中加入了名为 Remote Play Together 的远端同乐功能。在开启相关选项后,玩家将可以邀请好友在远端加入自己电脑上的单机多人游戏。而且这项功能仅要求联机的发起方拥有游戏,其它参与者只需准备好手柄或是键鼠就可以了。值得一提的是,Valve 对联机平台的一致性并未多加限制,即便是 Mac 用户也可以直接加入 Windows 游戏。 当然啰,beta 版本就意味着使用过程中可能会出现各式各样的问题,Valve 也已经表示自己希…"


Google Duplex begins international rollout with a New Zealand pilot

" Google Duplex, the futuristic service that uses AI to place phone calls and make reservations, can already book movie tickets and will soon be able to rent a car. The service has been rolled out across the US, and now international rollout is beginni..."


The Morning After: A final trailer for 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'

" Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. It's Tuesday, and we're approaching the holiday season with verdicts on the Pixel 4 and the Surface Pro 7, both of which get a mixed reception. There's also a new Star Wars trailer, so make sure to watch through that befo…"


Todoist 'Foundations' update adds a host of organization features

" Todoist is one of the best to-do apps out there -- in fact, we picked it as our favorite about 18 months ago. But when huge companies like Microsoft and Apple are making major changes to their own competing apps, standing pat isn't going to cut it. T..."


Microsoft's latest VR experiment is a literal walk in the park

" While manufacturers are giving up on phone-based VR and Facebook is focusing on VR's social aspects, Microsoft is taking a different approach to virtual reality. The company revealed its latest VR developments in a blog post, showing off three new te..."


《Pokémon Go》会在 2020 年初增加训练师线上对战

"继去年为《Pokémon Go》引入了可以挑战部份好友及身边玩家的「训练师对战」模式之后,Niantic 今天又宣布将会从明年初开始新增全新的「Go 对战联盟」(Go Battle League),让玩家可以通过线上匹配系统随机与全球各地的其它训练师进行对战。 不过目前关于这个新的 PVP 模式,官方还没给出太多具体的细节。但可以确定的是,为了「鼓励玩家走出去与宝可梦一起探索世界」,玩家需「通过步行来赢得进入 Go 对战联盟的资格」,训练师在联盟中的战绩自然也会被记录。 所以说,各位宝可梦大师,为了站上世界的…"


Serato's DJ software is ready for macOS Catalina

" One downside about using your Mac to DJ is that every system update carries some risk of incompatibility or error, and the recent change to Catalina was more drastic than others. That's because Apple forcibly ejected iTunes in favor of splitting duti..."



" ディープラーニング技術を駆使して、画像や映像に写る人物の顔をまったくの別人に違和感なく置き換えてしまう技術「Deepfake(ディープフェイク)」は登場したときこそ面白い技術とされていたものの、すぐに、著名映画女優の顔をポルノ映像にハメ込んだり、マレーシアなどでは政治的な指導者の顔を入れ替えたりするなどといった悪用が目立つようになりました。さらに米国では来年に控える選挙戦で、有権者の印象を操作するために利用される可能性が指摘されています。 こうした問題に対して、Facebookはディープフェイクを見破るAIの開…"


Twitter vows to introduce new rules against deepfakes

" Twitter promises to introduce new policy to fight deepfakes, especially when they could "threaten someone's physical safety or lead to offline harm." The social network has announced that it's working on created rules to address what it calls "synthetic and m…"



" 在你追我赶的 PC 安全系统和骇客对奕关系之中,前者可能会带来些新突破。为了针对通过固件发动的骇客攻击,微软这操作系统开发商想到了直接与负责固件的硬件开发商合作,从源头着手保护 PC 的安全。 微软所带来的新倡议,是与 PC 生产商直接合作推出 Secured-core PC,希望是从 PC 启动的一刻就开始进行保护。在设想的新系统下,处理器的固件会如常启动,但就会限制对于固件的信任度,并交由微软的 bootloader 去处理相关指令。最终这架构就能确保处理器在每次启动时,都有个安全、可靠的运行方向。如此一来…"



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