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RE: 2019-01-31

in #j5 years ago (edited)

Missing The Point

- 2019-02-01 - 11:42 AM - Friday - Raising Awareness - Dear @zimmermann, The point of this thread and things that I write and film and meme and create have to do with raising awareness of the globalists and the issues that go against nationalism, family first perspective and focus, local community first mentality, conservatism, minimalism, the freedom of speech found in the first amendment, the second amendment, and especially the fourth amendment which is already being violated by big tech and others. I mention names in what I write, symbolically, in order to address deeper issues therein. I’ve been online since 1998 and this is what I’ve been doing for years. I apologize to people if they don’t like it, but I believe in talking about history which involves Christianity which helped western civilization and Stefan Molyneux talked about that and about how Rome fell and how history has patterns that we can learn from. We can agree with Scott Adams and Kanye West in regards to breaking the patterns found in history, but we gotta be aware of the patterns as well. That is what I write and talk about. I mention people in order to use them as an illustration of what we find in the world, the patterns, the systems, as we fight against Big Pharma, and leftists, and globalists, and tyranny, and all sort of things, and that is the point. This thread is not really about @Paladin and it is mostly about bigger issues that goes way beyond that. It’s a long story.

Paladin Threat Thread Notice to Zimmerman Screenshot at 2019-02-01 11:44:02.png

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