12:08 PM - Tuesday - 2019-01-22 - I wrote in the Alex Jones Gives Donald Trump One Last Ultimatum thread the following: "How do we steer Trump better? Because Trump is a rudder. Trump may not be the only rudder. But what are we doing to steer the rudders and everything? Regardless of how bad and good Trump and Alex and others are and are not, we live in a world with what we have and not in a world with what we do not have. So, what can we continue to do with what we do have, with Trump, with Alex, with everything, regardless of whether we like them or not, and regardless of how good and bad they are and are not. We gotta continue to do what we can with what we do have. We should not focus too much on hypothetical ideals. Focus on practicality. Focus on a hybrid of immediate and long-term solutions and especially prevention through Prager U style education, etc. Why not?"