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RE: 2019-01-17

in #j6 years ago

UFO stands for Unidentified Facebook Objections, not to be confused with Unidentified Flying Objects. Millions of people have problems with Facebook. That means you know people who run into issues, assuming that you don't. If it wasn't for FB, I probably wouldn't make it to Vietnam to teach English from 2012-2017, for 5 years. Thanks to Facebook, for example, I was able to meet people that got me to go. So, to Facebook, I say, "Thanks for the memories, chaos, and everything." Like I said Thursday, I started a Facebook English Learning Conversation Group in Messages with dozens of friends. I also resurrected my old Facebook group group and rebranded it from Oatmeal English to American English Speaking Club. Also, Mark Dice has a shirt with Trump on Mount Rushmore. That is epic. I watched a mask singer show. Watched an Adriana Grande music video where she talks about coveting. She sees something and then she got it. Not that she gets it but it happens so fast, it's already past-tense. Pew Die Pie is reviewing Resident Evil 2. I love March For Life. Great message from Trump. You cannot be pro-choice if you are dead. That is why pro-life produces pro-choices. And don't steal my tax dollars.

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