
in #j4 years ago

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist. The greatest trick tyranny ever pulled was convincing people they didn't have the power all along. While China attacks America with soldiers, Bill Gates will be engineering a famine and that is why he is buying up so much land in America. Why did they make so many movies and television shows during the Covid Pandemic of 2020? They get to work but you cannot? And you can't work but you give them money to watch them. Where are you getting all of that money when you are not ALLOWED to work? What are you doing? Biden to propose bill to legalize 11 million immigrants - Los Angeles Times. FBI Black Hats are running around the country knocking on doors of gun owners trying to recruit them and trick them into joining Project Martyr which will attempt to murder Biden and blame it on these new recruits. China is invading America. Meanwhile, Pence betrayed America. America put an oil embargo on Japan. Next thing you know, we had Pearl Harbor. Now, apx. 80 years later, America has put similar things on China who is on the verge of economic collapse. China is preparing to strike on American Soil.

Real-Life Movie

We are all going to watch a big movie these next several days. But I just don't know how this real-life movie ends. But I do know I'm in the movie and so are you. RED ALERT: Biden will become President and China will be attacking America domestically very soon. We will have a world war in the United States very soon. Thousands of troops are scheduled to remain in Washington DC for many weeks into February and possibly longer. Censorship pushes people towards ghetto cults. Operatives end up fishing. They end up catching and turning the Big Tech Refugees into Qtards and other things too. After that, they frame the Qtards in order to blame conservatives in order to take away more and more of our rights. Jared Kushner destroyed Trump, kept him from joining alternative social media. BREAKING NEWS: Obama is still the President. That's why he has a bunker near the White House. They would spy on Trump and report to Barack. According to the 14th amendment, section 3, you must hold military tribunals. Washington DC has been one of the safest cities in the world for years, very hard to breach which means they purposely stood down on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. We all know this, it's too obvious, common sense.

Many Years of Dark Winter

Playing Both Sides to Monopolize on the Narratives

But It Gets Worse

Military Are Required to Protect Her

Lifeboats Aren't There to Save the Ship Itself But The People Therein

FBI Black Hats Thinks You So Stupid

Should The Military Fail To Abide By The Oath of Allegiance


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2021-01-16 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-16 - Saturday | Published in January of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-01-16 15:17:08.png

Q Killed Trump

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Censorship creates black markets, people are driven underground.

Censorship pushes people towards ghetto cults. Operatives end up fishing. They end up catching and turning the Big Tech Refugees into Qtards and other things too. After that, they frame the Qtards in order to blame conservatives in order to take away more and more of our rights.

China is invading America. Meanwhile, Pence betrayed America.

America put an oil embargo on Japan. Next thing you know, we had Pearl Harbor. Now, apx. 80 years later, America has put similar things on China who is on the verge of economic collapse. China is preparing to strike on American Soil.

We need God to intervene in America. Only God can save us. Trump can't save us. China is going to attack us.

Obama had military leaders sworn allegiance to Obama.

According to the 14th amendment, section 3, you must hold military tribunals.

What is happening in DC is scheduled to happen in many cities throughout America. We're talking extreme lockdown, a prison planet, a new world order.

Antifa actors will be dressing up as MAGA supporters, more false flags coming, most likely this coming Wednesday, the 20th of January of 2021. Please warn people. Save them from the lie.

Qanon is similar to Operation Trust from the 1920s.

Washington DC has been one of the safest cities in the world for years, very hard to breach which means they purposely stood down on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. We all know this, it's too obvious, common sense.

Their goal is to frame patriots, a false flag, at state capitols, because then states will beg for MARTIAL LAW which we are SEEING RIGHT NOW in Washington DC. That is coming any day now. We must be warning people of this trap. First, it's DC, then state capitols, and then many cities all over America.

Qanon is Operation Trust 2.0. Go look up Operation Trust from the 1920s.

Qanon is telling people to do nothing in order to trick them into doing something.

Too many Trump Supporters were Qtards or close to it and I was always very mad at them for years for not using their brains, not getting involved, not thinking, not taking action, I've said it many times over the years. You should be proactive and not passive.

Watch out for new versions of the Quantum Q. But it won't be called Qanon. Red alert. They'll use it again and again to fool people, to misguide people.

Q is a cult. But be smart in trying to help your friends out of the Qanon mind-melt. Research Operation Trust from the 1920s. Be patient as it's like when people would fall for Nigerian Prince Email Scams.

Q is the most inaccurate compass ever. Q replaced Trump with itself. Qtards say Trump doesn't matter. Trust the plan they say. They say Trump is part of a larger plan. That's the scam as Q replaces the very thing it vowed to help.

Covid Lockdown accelerated the Qanon Scam as people were feeling so bored, so powerless. Qtards took on new identities like super heroes in a fantasy world.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist. The greatest trick tyranny ever pulled was convincing people they didn't have the power all along.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

2018-11 - I Joined Mastodon

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

The thousands of soldiers on stand-by in the United States will either be used for good or for bad in January of 2021. This is world history on stand-by. But don't fight them. If you're patriot, you will not approach the troops like Antifa would.

National Guard is being activated in multiple states meaning something will probably be happening these next 5 days. The only question is who will be giving them orders and will they comply.

Actually, long story short, they may in fact receive orders from their commander in chief and from a counterfeit commander in chief. That is why, in order settle such stalemate, the constitution provides the only course of a potential tiebreaker.

Trump Michael Jordan

03:55 AM - Brighteon Social

Trump is Michael Jordan. It's game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. Don't just sit there hoping MJ swishes in that final shot to win the basketball game. Be ready to get the rebound. Expect and assume the shot bounces off the rim.

You're not a spectator. You're on the court. But what kind of court? What kind of game is this? It's an educational game. What kind of war is this? It's an information war. Be alive. Be active. Get involved. Don't be violent, be educational, be transformative.

RED ALERT: Biden will become President and China will be attacking America domestically very soon. We will have a world war in the United States very soon.

Biden is likely to present articles of surrender to China this coming Wednesday after being seated.

Jared Kushner destroyed Trump, kept him from joining alternative social media.

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

The thousands of soldiers on stand-by in the United States will either be used for good or for bad in January of 2021. This is world history on stand-by. But don't fight them. If you're patriot, you will not approach the troops like Antifa would.

RED ALERT: Biden will become President and China will be attacking America domestically very soon. We will have a world war in the United States very soon.

Big false flags may be happening right now. Don't fall for the lies. Any second now, it will be breaking news, re alert, watch out.

Thousands of troops are scheduled to remain in Washington DC for many weeks into February and possibly longer.

MK-Ultra Mind-Control is brain-washing Qtards into Project Martyr to murder Biden and other such false flags in order to not only discredit Trump but also his supporters. But remember, Qtards are detached from reality like pawns on a string.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Soren Kirchner said prove it.
09:30 PM - Facebook

Prove what? which part, the thing that happened to Japan in the 1940s or the trade war between America and China?

Soren Kirchner, why are there almost 30,000 troops in DC right now?

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

I want Trump to arrest Biden but it looks like Trump will be unable to.

Trump probably has control over military right now but probably won't be able to stop the steal.
The troops are there in DC for China.
Some of the info I get is from Mike Adams at Brighteon and Natural News.
Military needs to know many things are happening in many different directions.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Are you ready for world history to be made this coming week?

The thousands of soldiers on stand-by in the United States will either be used for good or for bad in January of 2021. This is world history on stand-by. But don't fight them. If you're patriot, you will not approach the troops like Antifa would.

Why did they make so many movies and television shows during the Covid Pandemic of 2020? They get to work but you cannot? And you can't work but you give them money to watch them. Where are you getting all of that money when you are not ALLOWED to work? What are you doing?

How bad does China suck?

04:01 AM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, yeah, it's not like they have suicide nets.

Why are people trying to get into America?

11:27 AM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, is that why people are literally dying to get into America, because it sucks that much?

Project Martyr is a false flag plan to murder Biden and blame it on conservatives.

They're trying to ban bullet-proof vests in New York.

FBI Black Hats are running around the country knocking on doors of gun owners trying to recruit them and trick them into joining Project Martyr which will attempt to murder Biden and blame it on these new recruits.

White Flag

03:06 PM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, why are there almost 30,000 troops in DC right now? Why are there so many walls being put up right now? Why do the troops sleep there on the steps, outside? Biden is likely to surrender America to China on Wednesday in order to save lives. He will put up the white flag of surrender as soon as Wednesday as soon as he is seated.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Are you ready for world history to be made this coming week?

We are all going to watch a big movie these next several days. But I just don't know how this real-life movie ends. But I do know I'm in the movie and so are you.

Trump is in control. The only problem is Trump only has power for 5 more days including today and Wednesday. Instead of getting an accurate count of the 2020 election, it looks like we'll be distracted by China and false flags.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7


04:56 PM - YouTube Video - I came here to dislike this video because Pence destroyed America when he stole the election from Trump.

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Qanon Q

Q may have been around since like 1921.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info


2021-01-16 - Saturday - 01:07 AM - 02:05 AM - Bridgerton 101

A family of 8 siblings
The queen of England liked the one girl
A ball, running people, the boys want to dance with her.

2021-01-16 - Saturday - 02:07 AM - 03:07 AM - Bridgerton 102

That one prince of man had a challenging past, couldn't talk well, his dad mocked him. Later on, he became a man and I think the father dies or almost and was struggling to talk as the man told his dad his family line would die with him.

Lisa Haven

11:30 AM - Something Just Went Wrong For The Democrats! Suddenly They’re All Backtracking…BOMBSHELL Report!

UPTV - 1 hour ago

10:39 AM - UPTV wrote under that Lisa Haven video

They won't be satisfied until we are all dead! I might be overthinking this but was the 20 dollar bill letting us know that we can expect the next 9/11 like event in 2020? Covid-19 = 9/11??? I still remember being in Highschool folding the 20 dollar bill and telling people 9+11=20 and that's why they put the towers falling on the bill. 😂 Thought I was woke then but I really still didn't know how deep the rabbit hole went. 🐇 #2020

Mike Adams

11:41 AM - Situation Update, Jan. 16th, 2021 - Psyop revealed, DC prepares for large-scale WAR

RED ALERT: Biden will become President and China will be attacking America domestically very soon. We will have a world war in the United States very soon.

While China attacks America with soldiers, Bill Gates will be engineering a famine and that is why he is buying up so much land in America.

America put an oil embargo on Japan. Next thing you know, we had Pearl Harbor. Now, apx. 80 years later, America has put similar things on China who is on the verge of economic collapse. China is preparing to strike on American Soil.

Shroud Highlights

09:47 PM - ALEX JONES 1/16/21 (Full Show) - Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Deep State Terror Attacks Imminent

They refused to use the PA system to call for the people to walk away from the capitol on January 6. The police guy said no and then they say he killed himself after that.

Pelosi is seeking to arrest anybody who says Biden stole the election from Trump, which he did. But if you say he did, and he did, you're going to jail for speaking truth.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Went to bed at 04:06 AM. Up at 10:20 AM. Orange, coffee, for breakfast, oh dear diary. Mom asked me if I heard about a rumor people tried to kill Biden. You have to have ID even to leave DC even. Walls being put up. Dishes around noon for several minutes. Some beans and corn soup around noon after that. Outside to trim the vines in the front yard from going into the yard. Now, it's 01:20 PM, I was out there for like an hour or so. More soup for like lunch and dinner in the afternoon, like 2 and 5. Dishes at 5:40 PM. Shower around 06:30 PM. Some peanut butter like ice cream around like 7 PM while watching the last ten minutes of the 1994 Little Rascals. Nap from like 07:20 PM to 09:10 PM. I get up and my parents were home from night church and were watching Little Rascal, I guess it was on again. Now at 09:16 PM, yogurt, strawberry flavor, from a small container. Had a banana in the afternoon. Had some dreams during my nap but forget. Probably ate too much earlier. Feeling full. Hope the yogurt helps.

Lifeboats Aren't There to Save the Ship Itself But The People Therein

Military Are Required to Protect Her

But It Gets Worse

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