
in #j4 years ago

Free donuts. Rebel Church on 47th and Broadway in New York City, at noon on Sunday. Pro Human Future dot com. They're hiring social workers to go door to door in the United States of America and if they don't like you, then they call the police on you. If you don't do something right now, they will get you. You cannot hide. You have been warned. This is also happening in many countries around the world. Get involved or you will continue to lose even more freedoms, rights, etc.

Communism vs Culture

I have some good news. The enemy of communism is community and culture. Communism was struggling to infect Italians who love their churches, history, statues, traditions, and that is the anecdote. Communism encourages people to hate their own country. Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to persuade people to love their country. Love conquers all.

Fighting Assumptions
Big Link Heaven

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-18 - Thursday
Published in June of 2020

Joe Biden Rally Screenshot at 2020-06-18 22:25:13.png
Joe Biden Rally. So big. So many people.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Space & The Universe HD

12:00 AM - In Search of Alien Planets in the Universe - Explore the Universe and Planets Documentary

instead of flat earth, let it be Mars Earth

could we be on Mars right now and not know it?

Star Trek Voyager had a Worm Hole, not a black hole.

Some say black holes take you to other places, universes, etc.

But how would we know?

Like Behind Space

Behind the three main Dimensions.

Did they actually see the star explode?

only ten million black holes?

I see a trail in the sky of clouds, not clouds.

If you can't see it, then you can't see it.

But how long would it take for a Black Hole to do what Tornadoes do?

Are these actual videos being pulled into black holes or are they visualizations?

How can you watch a video for millions of years?

Did he say it takes millions of years for the stars to be pulled into black holes?

Can we scientifically observe a star get pulled into a black hole for millions of years? I will be very old by the time I'm done watching that video.

Should we have black holes? Said who?

We can guess but that does not prove it.

Scientifically, we can see patterns, but that does not mean it will happen but that it might happen.

Many variables.

We were not here in the past.

We did not observe the past.

Historical science is not observational science.

Take off your mask.

We are not observing the past in live-time.

Looking at the past is not the same as living in the past.

We are not observing the past as it happened.

We look at the past and we guess.

We make educated guesses on the past.

We read into the past assumptions.

We read into the past patterns that we assume happened in the past.

I believe in doing scientific experiments from day to day.

Earthquakes are caused by black holes or by the lava inside the planet?

I love Zinc.

I eat Vitamin D.

Immune System Power

How old is the earth? I don't know.

Is the earth old or young? I don't know.

How do you know how old the earth is?

Can you prove that the earth is as old as you assume it is?

The clock does not align with real time.

The clock is recalibrated to match with real time every so often.

Carbon Dating has problems with dating how old things are.

There are different methods used to date things.

Sadly, they sometimes conflate different dating methods to confuse people.

They sometimes use circular reasoning to prove their assumptions.

In a circular manner, they will prove one thing with the other thing and eventually prove that thing by another thing which will eventually be lead to be proved by the first thing you started with.

There were cases were they dated things to be thousands of years old or much older than that and they were actually like 200 years old or sometimes less than that.

The Grand Canyon is not what you think.

You can do experiments yourself and compare them to the Grand Canyon.

I don't know if there is life out there or not, but should we ignore the lives around us?

Trafficking, yum yum.

Blond Jokes

Winnie the Pooh is up to no good.

Eat your oatmeal.

Hail China

I bow to China

I Worship China

I love you, Pooh.

I bow to China because I don't want them to take my organs. I love you Winnie the Pooh, don't eat my children, thank you.

I will not tell you what Vietnamese told me about China when I was living in Saigon.

China owns Hollywood.

What does Winnie the Pooh NOT won?

She looks like oatmeal.

Can I eat you, lady?

Are you the love child of Mandy Moore and Original Oatmeal?

Actually, America has an unofficial army that is bigger than the one in China.

UN Cops

Oatmeal Girl

Doesn't she look like oatmeal?

I love you China.

I will sell my daughters to you, China.

I'm angry, I had enough of these people.

They're a bunch crazy weirdos, eating babies alive and selling their body parts.

Great song, I have them on video.

Orange Man Bad

I'm an NPC

Did she say naked?

Did she say Positions?

I love Tech Censorship.

I live near Chaz Chop Seattle.

Abolish Cops

Let's get rid of police so we can have United Nations police instead.

Chaz has walls.

Let's not vote.

Let's join the swamp.

Let's get rid of Trump.

We gotta get rid of the police.

If we get rid of the police, then the United Nation Police will take over our lives. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Don't vote Trump. Vote Biden.

I love Biden.

Biden is my mom.

Biden will get rid of the police and give us the UN.

What is happening in Seattle today happened in Rome thousands of years ago.

China is trying to invade America.


Hey Lady

Private Property Rights

Vote to make government smaller.

Local government over federal government.

I love you, Bill Gates.

Bill Gates, give me autism please.

A vaccine is a key, a virus is a lock. But viruses mutate meaning the locks changes.

Peanut allergies caused by vaccines because the vaccines had traces of peanut in them.

I do not get my news from banned dot video.

Banned dot video does not exist.

Rebekah Barnes, come back, I want to eat you.

You look like oatmeal, Rebekah Barnes.

Oatmeal will make your stomach all better, you're welcome.


There is so much you cannot see on YouTube.

But let's NOT see that.

Can I get a quarter for every time he says, "PROBABLY?"

Don't try new things. Don't go to Banned.video

Be boring. Don't ask questions. Don't go to other websites.

Live inside your box.

Spam means anything that anybody chooses to not like.

The rioting is terrorism.

The rioting has been sponsored by the Sunrise Movement, etc.

The police department trained the cops to do that meaning the entire city needs to be prosecuted.

Black Babies Matter

50 million black babies killed each year.

General Shepherd

01:36 AM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Wednesday - 6/17/20

Fighting Assumptions

01:53 AM - Hive Post

1992 maybe - Turtles - 2020-06-17.jpg

Early 1990's

I enjoyed drawing ninja turtles

It takes all you got to do so.

But when the going gets tough, then the oatmeal comes oozing out of your honey. Oh honey, you gotta be funny and brutal. Life is tough and there are too many assumptions out there. As a scientist, you can break those bad habits caused by the gravity of assumptions. Here are around 44 photos here which includes some of my drawings from the 1990's and a few other things.

Be a ninja and fight the gravity of assumptions.

Syria Rome Trump

02:15 AM - Hive

It is good to talk about different countries including Israel. In doing so, we gotta remember that the variables are [NOT] merely or purely binary.

Investment Advice

02:18 AM - Hive

You'll be tempted to sell but please don't. If anything, you should rent them out. I have some Bitcoin but I should buy some gold, silver, etc. People can have some cryptocurrencies but should put a higher emphasis on natural resources on top the crypto alt coins.

Ninja Girl

02:44 AM - Hive

What a beautiful church. I love climbing trees. Nice to meeting you here. I voted for this post and I shared it. I'm glad you are here. You are like a ninja. Love your smile.

Depression Light

02:50 AM - Hive

It's valuable to talk about depression and the path out of it.

Rap Cover

Rap is used as a cover for laundering money and for recruiting more gang members. That's the root and foundation to pop music, rap music, etc, globally, for many decades now.

Grinch Moli

03:00 AM - Hive

Moli, I love your Grinch shirt. I love art too. Can you swim very fast?

Fake Money

03:09 AM - Hive

I love cryptocurrencies as a contrast to Rothschild which is not merely national but beyond that or outside of that.


2020-06-18 - Thursday - 03:32 AM - 04:18 AM - Vikings 609

She looks like the wife of Iva. Is that possible as she is dead? Big army. Talk about Floki. Having a baby. Marriage totwo women. FInding alliance against a common enemy. Are they Russian or Chinese or what?


Lisa Haven

11:01 AM - If The Riots, a Pandemic & an Economic Crisis Weren’t Enough, NOW There’s THIS…

Red Guy

11:03 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Thursday June 18, 2020

They're hiring social workers to go door to door in the United States of America and if they don't like you, then they call the police on you. If you don't do something right now, they will get you. You cannot hide. You have been warned. This is also happening in many countries around the world. Get involved or you will continue to lose even more freedoms, rights, etc.

Communism vs Culture

I have some good news. The enemy of communism is community and culture. Communism was struggling to infect Italians who love their churches, history, statues, traditions, and that is the anecdote. Communism encourages people to hate their own country. Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to persuade people to love their country. Love conquers all.

Enemy of communism is community and culture. Communism was struggling to infect Italians who love their history. That's the anecdote. Communism gets people to hate their own country. Persuade people to love their country. Love conquers all.

Mom & Dogs

1958 - When mom was seven, her family got Speckles the dog.
1964 - When mom was thirteen, she realized she was allergic to dogs.

Joe Rogan

12:28 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1494 - Bret Weinstein

Bret Weinstein was a biology professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. He is now hosting "Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse Podcast" available on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.


07:19 PM - 07:44 PM - Triggered hosted by Donald Trump Jr and special guest President Donald Trump!

Israel Debate

07:23 PM - Hive

There are people who are the descendants of the kingdom of Israel. In other words, some people are biologically Jewish. Some people are religiously Jewish as they practice the Jewish religion. On top of that, you have individuals who make up the current Israeli government. It would be a question of how many globalists and others infiltrated the government in Israel in the same way they infiltrate governments in the United States of America. It's gradual and ongoing in many countries. Yeah, globalists are terrorists, I agree with you on that.

Baked Blunts

10:16 PM - Joe Biden Holds First Rally With No Crowd, Millions Register For Trump In Tulsa - War Room (6/18/20)

Joe Biden Rally

Millions of people showed up for the Joe Biden Rally today. See photo. Wow. So many people. I can't even see Joe. He is so small in this photo.


Free donuts. Rebel Church on 47th and Broadway in New York City, at noon on Sunday. Pro Human Future dot com.

News on Making Money

11:20 PM - On the local news, they showed a Californian gym using plastic, transparent pods. The one female news reporter said with a big smile how that was creative but how she would rather be outside on this beautiful day. Hey wait, lady, I thought we should spread Covid outside? Well, with her big smile, she is basicalling encouraging you not to support local business even after saying not to go outside. Oh, go outside but don't go inside even after being inside. The Covid Hoax is so big many people laugh about it as they know Covid is a scam. Some people go along with it and this is an example of how local news tries to trick us.


04:18 AM - 11:00 AM - Sleep.
Breakfast: Apple. Coffee. Almond milk.
I live in Shelton, WA, near Olympia and Seattle Chop Chaz.
01:00 PM - 07:09 PM - Dishes. Vacuuming. Kitchen closet cleaning. Sorting. Chores. Big garage and book shed for the past 6 or so hours. Desk over from that garage to the book shed in exchange for a shelf. Moved the tires to the corner by the small door. Paint up to a higher shelf above.
Dinner: soup thing. Almond milk.
07:44 PM - 10:12 PM - Back outside for two more hours. Around six to eight hours total organizing the sheds. Now, eating pat 2 of my dinner. Same thing. Watching the War Room. Saw some of the Alex Jones Show around noon today. Going back to scanning soon.
11:20 PM - 12:00 AM - Nap.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63248.94
ETH 2576.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85