
in #j4 years ago

I'm Joey. I'm near Seattle, USA. You're an ambassador of truth. Not a bastard but an ambassador.

What should you invest in?

What do people use even during a lockdown? What do many people use no matter what? Oh, toothpaste? Should we invest in that? Perhaps you should and that would probably be a good investment. Think about it. Ask questions. Kevin Hart and Lionel Nation talked about this today. It's not about today but about tomorrow. What you do is about tomorrow. Bees and ants work for tomorrow. The sloth works for today.

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2020-05-25 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-25 - Monday | Published in May of 2020
Weekly Photos - 216pics | 2

Isa Briones GettyImages-1143003945-ee3ca9d.jpg
Picard sucked but at least she was cute

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Published in May of 2020 | Categories | Communities | Directory | English | Health | Highlights | History | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Living Waters

12:50 AM - Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron Reveal Their Past! | Way of the Master: Season 5, Ep. 1

Jaclyn Glenn

12:57 AM - ATHEIST VS CHRISTIAN - Ray Comfort Interview

Hive Over Facebook

02:02 AM

That is why I blog on Hive. A website can be a publisher. But I prefer when a website acts like a platform instead, meaning they let people publish anything. Hive is better than Facebook. Hive is kind of like Facebook in some ways but without censorship.

Video - 1980's

03:29 AM - Hive Post

1987 - Benji The Hunted.jpg

As early as the 1980's, we would use VCRs to record movies, shows, etc, like Ramona for example, which we would see on television. Most if not all of the recording was done by mom. But we didn't start making home videos via camcorders until the 1990's. The goal of this post is to outline our videos from the 1980's. This is a rough draft and I will try to add more to this timeline when I can. This outline is incomplete, to be continued.


1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's | 2020's | 2030's


Arnold Attic Films | Directory | Music | Timeline | YouTube

About Me

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Outline of My Videos in Chronological Order


We would record random things, shows, movies, etc


Absent Minded Professor

Winnie the Pooh

1977 - Freaky Friday

Anne of Green Gables


Educational PBS kids shows


NBA Basketball

NFL football


1987-05-19 - Disney Sing Along Songs Heigh-Ho | Fandom
1987-06-05 - Benji The Hunted
1987-06-22 - Reading Rainbow: Season 5: Episode 1 - The Life Cycle of the Honeybee
1987-12-21 - The Little Match Girl | IMDb


1988-09-10 - 1989-01-21 - Ramona
1988-11-19 - Super Boy
1988-12-11 - 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Magical World Of Disney - Disneyland's All Star Comedy Circus NBC, EI - Season 33 - Episode 7 - 60 minutes


1989-05-14 - Families Ties - Season 7 - Final Episodes

Hive vs Facebook

03:51 AM

Facebook is centralized, but Hive is special because it is a decentralized blockchain which is connected to different apps or platforms that are built on top of it. So, it uses cryptocurrency. It doesn't cost money to join or to use. Think of it like a video game. When you first join, you are at level 1. That means you can post a few times a day. But as people upvote or like your posts and comments, you earn points which means you level up and can do more and more. That also means you earn some cryptocurrency that could then be exchanged out and turned into dollars or other currencies. I don't really use it for making money. I mostly use Hive as a way to save and publish my work. I like to have backups of some of my writings, etc.


2020-05-25 - Monday - 04:20 AM - 05:00 AM - Vikings 502

He betrays Scarlett Johansson and runs off with Esther. A volcano. A waterfall. Floki nsays he is in the land of the gods. The cripples makes something to help him walk.


Lionel Nation

11:44 AM - Live Stream Update: #MemorialDay2020 — Respect and Tribute

Is the glass half empty or half full? No, the glass is too big.

Facebook Groups

Headphones broke again

Updating and restarting computer. Wait, never mind, sound is working. It was not the headphones but maybe a Dissenter web browser malfunction I am guessing as I was able to play a video with sound off my computer. So, restarted the web browser and the sound started working again.


12:24 PM - 01:36 PM - Carpet sweep. Dishes. Compost. Garbage. Mail. Car went by. Cloudy day.


Potato on homemade chicken soup soup. Chocolate almond milk which I was also drinking yesterday. Finishing off the carton today. Coffee.

Lionel Nation

01:36 PM - Live Stream Update: #MemorialDay2020 — Respect and Tribute

You're an ambassador of truth. Not a bastard but an ambassador, a representative of logic, reason, and evidence.

Facebook in Firefox and possibly other browsers can cause my computer to go slow.


03:00 PM

Singapore 1980's Song - Who else remember this catchy MediaCorp song? - Ten or so Singapore men and women sing this song in this music video and each singer was a bit different in style and some of it reminded me of the Spice Girls. No idea what they're saying but I shared this, I love it, and it reminds me of the Spice Girls combined with Backstreet Boys but with Asians lol. I love how the different singers sing differently. Very unique and special.

Joe Rogan

03:29 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1480 - Kevin Hart

Shaq All-Star Comedy Jam was the big break for Kevin Hart and he didn't know that rocket was sailing at that point and you don't know until it happens. Kevin Hart is a comedian, actor and producer. His new audiobook "The Decision: Overcoming Today's BS for Tomorrow's Success" is available now on Audible.

What should you invest in?

What do people use even during a lockdown? What do many people use no matter what? Oh, toothpaste? Should we invest in that? Perhaps you should and that would probably be a good investment. Think about it. Ask questions. Kevin Hart and Lionel Nation talked about this today.

Today or Tomorrow?

It's not about today but about tomorrow. What you do is about tomorrow. Bees and ants work for tomorrow. The sloth works for today.

Discipline or Enthusiasm?

Balance between both of them in the things you in life.

Back Injury

Doctors told Kevin Hart that if he wasn't as fit as he was, then his back injury would have led to being paralyzed. In other words, you never know when your hard work in your life will pay off. The only person you want to beat is yourself. Life is a video game. You want to go to the next level. People get stuck on habits. For me, I have felt that I could not cope without it. A guy gets a heart transplant and comes back calmer. He felt like he got a heart from an Asian woman? How do you get a heart from a woman? She died but her heart was ok? The guy was like what a body builder and his heart couldn't keep up? Wouldn't his heart get stronger? I don't get how a heart could fail.

Parenting 101

Free Speaking Zone is a good idea that Kevin Hart has with his daughter and son. It reminds me when Star Trek crew would ask Captain Picard if they could speak freely. Permission to speak freely. Granted. Don't abuse Free Speaking Zone.

Stefan Molyneux

06:10 PM - "Trump's Chances in 2020!" Stefan Molyneux Interviewed by Paul Duddridge

Socrates or Plato talked to people and they bought him lunch and Oatmeal Joey Arnold went to Vietnam and did the same thing in the 2010's.

Philosophy Denied

Why do we pay millions of dollars to fund philosophy teachers and yet never put them on television or ask them for help when we need them the most?

Lucretia Hughes

07:18 PM - Real News with Lucretia Hughes - #BlackEnough Episode #680

Doctors and others say people die of Covid and then they get those families to not get life insurance. They are stealing life insurance from people who did not die of Covid-19.

Trump is a role model. Love your nickname for that one guy, fructose corn syrup.

Crazy Hospital

There was a live stream video today of old people recording police who arrested them and put them in a crazy hospital because they refused to get vaccines or be to take Covid tests. That is evil. But you are next if you do nothing.


I am a dreamer because everyday I wake up dreaming and striving to be better than I was yesterday.

Gap Teeth

If you got gaps in your teeth, you may lie more often as the lies whistle through.


08:00 PM - 08:56 PM

Getting Back to Work

08:56 PM - Facebook

Sorry you lost yours. The lockdown is pretty bad as people lose work. People want to go back to work.

Isa Briones in Picard

Video Gamer

11:08 PM - Facebook

I thought about becoming a video game designer. I didn't but I do some web design. But yeah, gotta love those games, I especially love anything Nintendo, especially Mario. That older photo from 2008 makes me look like I am on drugs but I am not. People told me that all the time, "Are you high man?" Sasa Handa, Favorite ones to play with people might be Smash Bros Melee or I am not sure which Smash Bros I like the best. Outside of that, I really enjoyed racing people as a kid on Mario Kart 64. Before that, it would be the sewer battles in Mario 3 and SNES Mario All-Stars. Christopher Chase, Yeah, some people don't like the duck face but what if I was the son of Angelina Jolie lol? Christopher Chase i take that as a compliment because i love fat lips. I have not seen the virus because it is so small hehe. And I love Paper Mario. Your brown hair makes me think of honey. Honey is very healthy too. You're a healthy woman. How do you stay so fit? So, you really are strong and beautiful. Very Nice, Honey. Tobi Matthews, Aladdin will be right back. If you were a Sundae, your hair would be the cherry or strawberry on top. I think the broom got stuck.

Hive vs Facebook

01:30 AM - Tuesday - Minds

If you're looking for a social network that has no censorship like Facebook, etc, has, I would suggest Hive.blog. There are other social networks too. I post my autobiography on Hive, etc. You can post anything. No censorship. It's good to have backups. You can advertise there. Outside of Hive, there is also Gab.com and Minds.com. And the list continues. But Hive is currently my favorite. I'm still on Facebook sometimes because billions of people are on Facebook and only like a million or less people are on Hive. Gab probably has some millions of people. I try to be on as many websites, social networks, etc, as I can because it's a good way to meet new people and it's safer to have copies of your work, etc, on different platforms, etc, just in case. Better safe than sorry.


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JST 0.029
BTC 63179.13
ETH 2573.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72