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RE: 2019-01-03

in #j6 years ago

I was downvoted Thursday a few times for saying that there are 2 genders.

Gender is a spectrum with two main points based on sexual characteristics. (In the West)

I am NOT talking about changing genders. I am not talking about whether a person can change from being male to being female as that has to do with 2 genders which I agree with. People attacked me on the changing one's gender part and I am not even addressing that. I am not even talking about it.

You made several images mocking a transwoman, calling her a man several times. That's disgusting and proves that you don't think transgender folks have rights. You can apologize for being an asshole, but you can't pretend as if you were never an asshole.

Try again.


So by using your own logic (I use the term 'logic' very loosely of course).....

....If I mock you, this proves that I'm saying all females don't have rights, yeah? This is logically consistent with your own premise....

try again....

You can apologize for being an asshole, but you can't pretend as if you were never an asshole.

So when do your apologies start? lolol
....Am I mocking all women now, and saying that they have no rights..?

Answer: No, I'm mocking lack of intellect.
(not all intellect in all women, just yourself.)

It's gender neutral.
BUT....Does this mean I'm mocking all gender neutral people now? ... and I'm saying that they have no rights, also?

That is not my logic. If you were to say that I am dumb BECAUSE I am a woman, that would be a problem. Please learn how words work before typing so much vomit on the screen.

You made several images mocking a transwoman, calling her a man several times. That's disgusting and proves that you don't think transgender folks have rights.

....that is your logic. These are your own words.
You are associating a whole group with the labeling of one person on an image, and then extrapolating that, to then make your argument of generalities, while using one specific as your evidence.
It's intellectually dishonest.
It's weak.
It's disingenuous.

If I wish to learn how to vomit on screen, I'll come ask you for lessons. You're a natural.

If you wish to learn how to think logically, and use critical thought, you can come and see me...

JFC you're dumb as fuck holy shit.

You made several images mocking a transwoman, calling her a man several times. That's disgusting and proves that you don't think transgender folks have rights.

That is not my logic. If you were to say that I am dumb BECAUSE I am a woman, that would be a problem. Please learn how words work before typing so much vomit on the screen.

A well constructed rebuttal concerning my observation on your own lack of logic.
(unless you think it is logical to extrapolate a generality from a specific?

You do indeed have a talent.....(I'm sure you have more, I would find another)

Similarly to how calling black men monkeys is a racist remark, calling transwomen men is a transphobic remark. Both of them make you a hateful bitch.

That's a false equivalency.
One is comparing a human being to a different species of animal, and the other is referring to a biological fact of a human being.
It may be transphobic from your perspective, but it is not an objective truth.
It is just your opinion.

Are you assuming that you can know every other persons interpretation, on any given subjective topic?
That's a very authoritarian position to take. It denotes deep insecurity of your own position.

Both of them make you a hateful bitch. you understand the psychological condition knows as 'projection'? I would suggest that you research it....

biological fact of a human being.

wrong, look up scientific studies, historical data, and sociological data.

It is just your opinion.

Wrong. It's a fact.

@LucyLin, by the way, thank you, and note that the meme I made of the person at GameStop from last Friday, the 28th of December, 2018, used direct quotes from what that person said, meaning not a mockery to simple report, which means it was journalism in the flavor of the comics section of a newspaper, like political cartoons, and the person said, and I quote, "It's ma'am.... take it outside if you wanna call me sir again, I'll show you a sir." I'm getting downvoted for quoting a person on something that person said on video. We all saw the video just as much as we saw that CNN reporter push the girl or something close to it right in front of Trump and then they said Info Wars Paul Joseph Watson did something to fake the video when we all saw it live and can compare the zoom-in edit of the video with the non-zoom-in original version of the video. Oatmeal.

"It's ma'am.... take it outside if you wanna call me sir again, I'll show you a sir."

Lefty rage as an expression of their own intellectual incompetence, knows no bounds...

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