IX Swap - Tokenized Security With DeFi AMM & Liquidity Pools

in #ixswap3 years ago

There is no single globally accepted definition for a tokenized security or a security token. The term has been coined to describe digital tokens that represent shares in traditional capital-raising assets, such as real estate, company shares and bonds. Other names for these types of tokens are "asset-backed tokens" or "representation of ownership". Most commonly, however, the term tokenized security refers to digital tokens that represent ownership in an investment fund or company.

Lately, the meaning of the term has become more and more ambiguous in the media. Some people use “security token” to describe any type of token on blockchain that represents ownership in some securities asset, while others use it to describe a specific type of regulated digital asset issued through Security Token Offerings (STOs) in full compliance with the existing regulations.

Because there is no one universally accepted definition for STO, this article will not try to define it either but it will attempt to explain what different people mean when they refer to STOs.

IX Swap is different and unique because it is building the first ever purpose built Automated Market Maker (AMM) and liquidity pools for SecurityToken Offerings (STO)/Tokenized Stock Offerings (TSO). This will enable any existing or new venture capital fund to run their private equity funds, investment companies and hedge funds completely on a fully regulated security token infrastructure.

Unlike traditional security token offerings and tokenized stock offerings, IX Swap is building the first ever purpose built Automated Market Maker (AMM). AMMs act as a regular trading exchange for digital assets. They allow for and in fact require full transparency of transactions executed on their platforms. This AMM will be used to automatically match buy and sell orders for the IXD tokens issued by IX Swap.

Okey, First - What is IX Swap?

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IX Swap is the first security token offering (STO) platform in the world to accept only one type of token as a payment for participation in its liquidity pools. This means that all participants pay for participation with IXT tokens, which will be distributed to them as rewards for their contribution. IXT is an ERC-20 token issued by IX Exchange's security token subsidiary, which is regulated by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit.

It is also developing the first ever purpose-built Automated Market Maker (AMM) and liquidity pools for Security Token Offerings (STOs) and tokenized stock offerings, both of which will be launched in the near future (TSO).

Main Features If You Join With IX SWAP

IX Swap is the next generation cryptocurrency exchange that combines the best features of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. It creates a platform where traders can get access to any token, with no need in opening multiple accounts at various exchanges. It takes the concept of hybrid-decentralized approach and improves it by adding an off-chain matching engine that allows matching orders with minimal gas fees and guarantees execution in some time frame.

Tokenization of Security and Utility

IX SWAP is a technology platform that is developing and launching Security Token Offering (STO) / Tokenized Security Offering (TSO), which will ultimately enable the tokenization of any financial asset, real estate or any security.

The STO/TSO ecosystem will enable token holders to legally mine liquidity for the first time ever.

Security Token Offering (STO) / Tokenized Security Offering (TSO) will be launched in phases. The first phase has started with IX SWAP as the first liquidity pool in the world that was created by tokenizing itself. IX SWAP's STO/TSO tokens are the first tokens that have been created from a physical asset, namely a mutual fund, outside of the blockchain space. IX SWAP is therefore pioneering the evolution of tokenized securities in the traditional market into an alternative investment sector, while also paving the way for many other companies to follow suit by creating security tokens on its platform.

Platform Build in Defi

First DeFi market making service purpose built for STO and Tokenized Stocks and Assets. We provide a complete solution for issuers, investors and traders.

IX SWAP is the first decentralized financial instrument trading platform that combines stock exchanges with the peer-to-peer lending markets. This revolutionary platform uses blockchain technology to bring together issuers, investors and traders, thus enabling them to exchange directly without brokers or other intermediaries.

The IX Platform is designed in such a way that all participants will benefit from the most favorable market conditions by minimizing transaction costs, reducing risks, developing new opportunities and realizing their ambitions faster.

IX SWAP is also a building block of IX Cube ecosystem which includes an Exchange, a Brokerage network, Custody Services, Fund Management Tools and other financial products.**

Features With Borrowing & Lending

IX Swap is a new and revolutionary business model that allows you to earn passive income through the Internet.

IX Swap is an online service designed to help people make money. The basic idea behind IX swap is that you can exchange your unused computer equipment and resources for free, or at a discount, with other people who have similar interests.

You could earn money by selling your surplus equipment, or you could receive free items in exchange for providing valuable computer resources.

For the most part, IX Swap is a safe and easy way to earn extra cash from your unused resources. In return for your services and equipment, you enjoy access to an unlimited number of products and services from many different suppliers. The more you participate in the IX Swap community, the more you will be able to earn from this exciting business model.

It's important to note that there are some risks involved in selling your computer assets online. Although the system is generally secure, there is always a chance that something could happen to put your computer at risk. Most of these risks are minimal, however, and can be reduced through proper education about how to protect yourself and your data when conducting business via the Internet.

IX Swap takes every precaution possible to ensure the safety of each person who participates in our program.

IX SWAP is a genuine opportunity. And it is really one of the best opportunities in the market at the moment.

What can you expect?

  • You will earn passive income from your idle assets.

  • You can use your existing skills to achieve results.

  • There is no need to pay any fees.

  • Use IX SWAP for your retirement plan and build a lasting income for yourself and your family.

  • Simple yet powerful tools to get more exposure, generate more revenue, and reduce risk.

  • Low-risk investment program with industry leading returns

Licensed Partners Increase

IX Swap have partnered with a licensed intermediary to deal with the nuances of securities. Investing in stocks, bonds and other securities can offer extremely high returns, but it is also riskier than other forms of investing. IX Swap has formed agreements with authorized intermediaries in order to cope with the complexities of the securities market. These partnerships allow us to focus on what we do best: building technology and managing our customer base. Reaching out to the public, setting up meetings, finding new partners and all the other business details are handled by our licensed partners. We are able to provide you with innovative opportunities while keeping your interests at the center of our business model.

IX Swap has created a unique opportunity that puts all the power into your hands. You will have access to some of the most exciting investment opportunities in existence today. We make it easy for everyone to get involved in these markets from wherever they are located.

Tokenomics: IX Swap (IXS) Token

The IX Swap Token Economics is a great way to promote and build up the company's value. It also allows you a chance to save money and to increase your assets. This is one of the best ways to view what it means to be business savvy in this day and age.

This token is one of the best for those who are looking for new avenues to make money. While there may be other tokens that have similar goals, this one has a lot more going for it than others do. This is because it offers you an opportunity to build a private wealth management platform and allows you opportunities for generating income from it. You can't go wrong with the IX Swap Token Economics, especially since it is designed to provide real-life feedback about future goals.

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Tokenomics is a new approach to the financial world. The IXS Token Distribution is one of the most exciting things to happen in this sector. It does this with the use of smart contracts that are based on ethereum protocol.

In conclusion, Tokenomics has been designed to bring forth better value for clients from the company. This Token Distribution assists people in saving money, reducing assets that are difficult to sell, such as speculation and private wealth, and transitioning into other business areas.

Last Update - IX Swap partners with HKVAX

HKVAX is a licensed securities trading platform in Hong Kong and is also one of the largest token exchanges in Asia. It was established in 2017 by leading security experts with extensive experience in the asset management business, capital markets, and IT development.

So what does this mean for both parties?

For IX Swap, this means that we will be working closely with HKVAX to establish an exchange that will use IX Swap to provide liquidity for their users and help support security tokens.

Tied back to our original mission statement - providing access to a new class of asset classes to all investors, this collaboration brings us one step closer to bringing the benefits of blockchain technology and security tokens to every investor.

We are thrilled to be working with such a professional team as HKVAX and we look forward to bringing more announcements along the way as well as our own updates!**

Okey, in Conclusion With IX SWAP Worth It To Invest?

The IX Swap Token Economics is a great way to promote and build up the company's value. It also allows you a chance to save money and to increase your assets. This is one of the best ways to view what it means to be business savvy in this day and age.

This token is one of the best for those who are looking for new avenues to make money. While there may be other tokens that have similar goals, this one has a lot more going for it than others do. This is because it offers you an opportunity to build a private wealth management platform and allows you opportunities for generating income from it. You can't go wrong with the IX Swap Token Economics, especially since it is designed to provide real-life feedback about future goals.

If you need for update and details information please join at:

WEBSITE : https://ixswap.io/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/ixswapofficial
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/IxSwap
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/IXSwap/
MEDIUM : https://ixswap.medium.com/
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/ix.swap/

Biography About Author

BTT Username: Fiorenza Napol1tani
BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3403731
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xD4725db9C6fD77980d88EF2B1803ff07BC9f39a2


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