in #itestify6 years ago

Don’t die trying to be a cheap copy of someone else. You are a divine original! You are God’s masterpiece. When you were created, the divine creative power of the Lord exploded in you. Be happy with who you are, because that is just how God Almighty created you to be.

If you’re fearful, God says, “I am the Prince of Peace.” If you are lonely, God says, “I am the friend that sticks closer than a brother.” If you are in need He says, “I am more than enough”. If you are lost He says, “I am the way maker”. If you’re bound He says, “I am the deliverer.” If you are in the midst of the storm, he says, “I am the master of the wind.” You may feel like this is the darkest midnight you have ever lived through, but the “I am” that we serve is the light of the world. When you are weak, He says, “I am strong”. When you are poor, He says, “I will shower you with blessings you cannot contain”. When you are sick, He is a healer. He is the great “I Am” and there is none likened to Him.

God will never give you more than what you can endure. He’ll never put you in a lion’s den unless He knows that your faith will be enough to get you through it. He’ll never put you in a fire unless He knows that your faith will be enough to withstand the flames. He will never give you a struggle so intense that His strength is not there with you. Trust in Him, and know that He will never let the righteous stumble.

Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You. Help me to stop counting my blessings on my fingers and adding up my problems with a calculator.

Inspire my imagination with Your vision of my life. Let me see the plans for good that you have for me. Show me the future. Give me that burning hope and desire to accomplish the things God has for me.

Thank you for removing from my mind the whiny, grouchy, self-pity, self-centered, thumb-sucking, poor me attitude. Thank you for protecting my mind with the helmet of hope.

I am ready this morning to take on the world. Open the door, devil, I'm coming out!

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