Triumph comes from God!

in #itestify7 years ago (edited)


Triumph doesn’t come from a government plan. It doesn’t come from a social group. Triumph comes from a God who is greater than the world, the flesh, and the devil, and He placed that same greatness in you.

All that we need to do to save this nation is to go back to the way things used to be, when things were good. We need to return to a nation that prays. We need to return to being a nation that is not afraid to say “In God We Trust.” When we do that, we will surely be on the road to restoring our great home.

Love is never lost when you hope in God! Our hope is in the Love that is in our Savior.

Jesus was the physical embodiment of love, and when he walked this earth, His ministry was dedicated to healing the sick, setting the captive free, and bringing the dead back to life – both physically and spiritually!

One of the most dramatic stories of life being snatched from the jaws of death is that of Lazarus, a man whom the Lord Jesus loved. When he arrived at the tomb, Jesus cried out to Lazarus by name. He had to be specific and call him by name…if He didn’t, then every dead person on earth would have answered the sound of His voice. Can you imagine that?

Today, God is calling your dead hopes to rise, and He is calling you to Himself by name. He knows the very number of hairs upon your head, and He is calling you to life and hope—not for just receiving love—but to have a deeper relationship with Him who is love.

Our hope is not in the love of this world. Our hope is in the Love that is in our Savior.

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The message is so refreshing,it's so true,as believers out trust and confidence should be on Christ and his finish work and not on ourselves or our abilities,talent or qualifications.just as Jeremiah said,blessed is the man who's trust is in the lord,and ROM 5:17 states,THEY THAT RECEIVE ABUNDANCE OF GRACE AND OF THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL REIGN IN LIFE IN CHRIST.

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