ITC - the mini god in the IoT sphere.

in #itc6 years ago (edited)

The Christians see God amongst other names and characteristics as “THE CREATOR”. In order words, the ability to create something good is a character found in God. If I may stretch it further, I might be right to say on earth, the ability to create something wowing and good makes one a “mini god”. To further driver home my point, I will love to related the above statement to the crypto world by saying the ability of a project to create an awesome value adding service on the blockchain platform makes them a mini god in the crypto world. Yes!

The whole point of my opening statement is to tell you that I have found an awesome project with an awesome value adding service that everyone seeks to have. The project is out to add an extra titanium layer of security to our daily living in the area of internet of Things (IoT) data sharing.

What is IoT?


Based on internet, traditional telecommunication network and other information carriers, IoT (Internet of Things) is the network that enables interconnection between all ordinary physical objects which can be located independently. IoT has three key features: the equalization of ordinary objects, interconnection of automatic management terminals and intellectualization of pervasive services. Through IoT, all the things can be connected to the internet for information exchange and communication to realize intellectualized recognition, location, tracking, monitoring and management. (for the full gist on this, read up the “what is IoT” section of ITC whitepaper).

However, with IoT comes some challenges that the IoT system alone can’t solve. One major challenge that has continually stood out on this list is the security challenge. If you have been close to news source, you might remember the botnet technology scenario that happened sometime in the past. A technology that was entitled as one of the Ten Breakthrough Technologies in 2107 by MIT Technology Review. According to the statistics, the Botnets of Things have infected more than 2 million IoT devices, for example, the cameras. The DDos attack launched by this made the network of American DNS service provider Dyn break down and users could not visit several popular websites such as Twitter and Paypal during a short period. Afterwards, more botnets appeared, including the one that hijacked the IoT devices to mine Bitcoins and the http81, which has larger scale and is more active.

Although security challenge is not the only one faced by IoT, but it has been the major challenge in time past and it has also been one core part of ITC proposed solutions using the bockchain technology. For those who know about the blockchain technology, you will agree with me that although it has some minor flaws, one area it is most trusted is the area of security because of its decentralized nature of operations. The ITC team has decided to create a platform called the Internet of Things chain or IoT Chain (ITC) that will combine the area of strength of both the blockchain and the IoT technology. With this platform, the flaws of both IoT and Blockchain will be canceled out leaving behind just the positive side.

What are the challenges and how are they going to be resolved?

Below, I will try to make a short list summary of the flaws on Iot platforms and how ITC tends to solve them. Note For a more comprehensive reading, please do check out ITC whitepaper.


The future ITC shall have tens of thousands of nodes and they will be absolutely adequate to meet the needs of IoT data storage with a combination of blockchain’s distributed ledger technology.
With the ITC platform, one can be tempted to say that the days of insecurity experienced in IoT system is gradually coming to an end. We can finally share our data between our smart devices and go to bed with both eyes closed without any fear of our personal date leak. The future is definitely getting securely brighter for smart devices and for all lovers of smart devices. I on behalf of many others who love the concept of this project will love to wish the team and the project good luck.

If you want to know more about ITC, you can follow them with the links below-



Nice article, the caption got me though, i must admit that ITC is creating like a good atmosphere for every user of IoT, is really of necessity to implement ITC in all IoT projects

Its nice article! And I agree with you friend, ITC will really make user feel safe and it will also give them chance to earn some rewards

Security is everything and important especially in this modern era. I am happy ITC saw this and are implementing it.

Well that makes both of us, security is something everyone desires to have and IoTchain offers this.

Looks like the botnet really caused hard for IoT. I mean who would have imagined that that could have such impact. 2 mil infected devices is not a small number.

Expected to see alot more related attacks similar to this, it's always healthy to see someone is trying to reinforce the infrastructure with a forever increasing thing

I honestly did not know they were able to initiate attacks from such devices given they do not have much processing power.

It was Really a bad attack that cost Iot a lot. But now lessons have been learnt.

IoT devices will be always on radar of hackers as it devices contains user personal data

I agree. And thats why I think ITC can make the difference here. It can play important role in securing user personal data

Nicely written article, It's great to see more and more in-depth articles about the huge problem we have with IoT devices expanding rapidly.

Good article! ITC will chance to user to earn rewards by sharing their data for development of IoT network and AI

Great idea with a solid team behind it, certainly one im going to be keeping an eye on, especially with the current security issues that seems to appear monthly.

Ya it’s going to be interesting to see how they can really change things for the better. Putting a secure platform to act as a secure overlay should be a good move for iot but time will tell how it’s utilized and adopted

yeah exactly, there's always something on the news about IoT devices or hacking, I think IoTChain have entered the market at a good time.

I am always connected with their social medias and getting latest updates and news about their activities. Social media is good source to get latest updates.

True, the demand for IoT devices is growing continually so does its security issue.

Good article! ITC will chance to user to earn rewards by sharing their data for development of IoT network and AI

It’s one of the reasons I get the feeling they are going to have a strong case to attract users as people tend to be greedy so offering rewards and incentives for things like information could be really profitable move

It is really nice article. Good explanation about IoTchain's challenges and their solutions.

Yes, it was quite a detailed information about the project, as i was a bit confused on the tech part before now, so it gives like a good explanation of what ITC entails

The extra layer guaranteed by the platform is something i am particular interested about, good review here

Ya it’s an interesting concept that will be interesting to see it rolled out over time but I’m hopeful it will attract users for this very reason

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