This is my entry for i-talent / round 14 * Jesus, The Good Shepherd *

in #italent6 years ago (edited)

Thank you, @gtg and @curie for the opportunity to share my tooled leather piece of, *Jesus, The Good Shepherd *
This is a piece that I did in 1978 while teaching a leather tooling class to special needs children.
My canvas is a Piece to tanned cowhide

Veg-Tan Tooling Leather.
Weight thickness 9 to 10 oz
Size 12 to 14 sq. ft.
This cowhide has exceptional carving and embossing properties.
The finished leather piece is 20 inches wide by 30 inches tall.
It was cut from a side of cowhide like the one below.

Craftool Pro Swivel Knive
After outlining the picture onto the cowhide, lines outlining main figures are cut with this knife.

Ray-hide Striking Mallet

Craftool Beveler Stamp
A series of different beveler stamps were used to create the 3 dimensional texture to the piece.

Complete set of leather stamps
An array of textured stamps are used to enhance the embossing properties of the different figures.

This tooled leather carving of, Jesus The Good Shepherd, took over a year to finish.
After each and every time the piece was worked, it had to be moistened and sealed in plastic to retain the malleability of cowhide.


Having retired just recently, I have had the time to dive into Steemit, full
Steam ahead, totally enjoying this experience.
I have a lot of hobbies, and have added to that list, this delightful experience that I share with some really nice people.

Having some extra time to myself will also allow me to finish a piece, THE LAST SUPPER, that I started several years ago.
Still getting things out of boxes, but at least I have narrowed the location of any remaining belongs, down to one place, my son @ryan's basement.
I know exactly where the old leather working tools are,
and completing the carving of THE LAST SUPER, has been put on the hobby list also.

Hope you enjoyed! thebigsweed


Congratulations @thebigsweed! Are you wondering why yet?

I’m not sure how hip you are to ‘mentions’ yet on but that platform hasn’t been running well the past few days. I didn’t want you to miss this! Congratulations dude, 4th place, man that’s big time! Happy new year.

Thanks #dandays for the heads up. I have been checking on a regular basis. When I checked this morning I was very suprised. I thought that with my entry being 28 days old it was by the boards. Very exciting.

All of the problems that I was having had to stem from putting in the wrong key.
My son is back from vacation, and has purchased 510 steem for his mom.
He never likes to send them all at once in case there is a problem.
Once all of the steem are in her wallet I will be powering them up.

My bad all along. thanks again to the both of you guys #dandays and #puravidaville for all of your efforts.
Can't thank you enough.
Finished the floor and all of the moldings last night. Put the house back together and was ready to relax and bring in the New Year by 7:00.


My pleasure @thebigsweed. My grandfather raised a chess player, I got all kinds patience. 😉 I’m glad we met! Happy new year to you and yours.

I had a feeling you were using the incorrect key. It took me a little bit to figure out the keys, too. There’s a “posting key” as well as a “private posting key.” An “active key” as well as an “active private key,” once you figure them all out it’s easy.

Private Posting key is the only key you should be signing in with, ok? Don’t use any other key, especially your master password, write that one down and take it off of all of your hard drives, it’s best to only keep your Master Key on a paper wallet.

Active Private key will iniatuate any transactions don’t on the blockchain.

Glad I could help! Don’t hesitate to ask man!

a beautiful and spectacular work I congratulate you if you had only documented the process in previous photographs would be great clear it was so many years ago, greetings friend

Thank you for the compliment. To have documented would have been great.

That actually looks like USA with Florida flooded off the map!

Leatherworking too? You are a Renaissance man!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That is exactly what I thought.
Hopefully Florida doesn't end up under the ocean too soon.
Going to the Keys is February.

Howdy sir thebigsweed! wow that is an awesome, amazing piece. Tell me you didn't do that well on your first try! It's hard to believe it's leather, it looks like a wood carving.

Thanks for the compliment. Started this piece after teaching leather tooling for several years and a lot of practice.

howdy again sir bigsweed! Well I can't wait to see the other artwork finished when it gets done, I have the feeling it's going to be a masterpiece!

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