
Comment removed upon request from @gjones15

Thank you, sir! Yes... that is Piglet lol. He is a very timid dog. He was picked up by the local kennel there and was severely malnourished and abused. We chose him that day and I named him Piglet, cuz those ears! lol. He now has a younger "brother," Rufus, who could probably kick Piglet's butt, although he will usually defer to Piggles out of respect for seniority. That is the (brief) story of Piglet and Rufus.

@gjones15 really glad you shared this with me, have two dogs myself, also one of them was a stray which we decided to keep, always love when people look out for the animals, Piglet and Rufus sound like a fun bunch

I love animals, yes; interestingly... not so much pitbulls--even these two. In my experience... unless you are their straight-up owner, you better watch out. They can very likely "flip" on ya... Sucks, cuz like I said I love dogs lol but them... idk.. i just can't trust em :(

This is a great painting, reminds me of early expressionist work. I love the composition: the dogs are at rest, but there's a sense of movement brought by the perspective. Awesome :)

Thanks, man... that's an interesting observation about the expressionists' work--i am, sadly, not very well-educated on art and art history...

So I 'googled" expressionism. Form Wiki:

Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.[1][2] Expressionist artists sought to express the meaning[3] of emotional experience rather than physical reality.[3][4]

Expressionism was developed as an avant-garde style before the First World War. It remained popular during the Weimar Republic,[1] particularly in Berlin. The style extended to a wide range of the arts, including expressionist architecture, painting, literature, theatre, dance, film and music

Fascinating... The article also states that folks such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Freud are considered "early expressionists" (Also Dostoyevsky, who I never knew painted!) These have been huge infuences on me, so it makes sense lol. Thanks again :)

Right on! I love it when connections like that are made randomly :) Glad you could relate to the movement, a lot of great artwork made at that time.

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