Usi-Tech interrompe i Btc-packages: ecco cosa succederà

in #ita7 years ago

Attraverso una newsletter rilasciata in data 24 febbraio 2018 Usi-Tech, la nota piattaforma che permette tramite l'acquisto di pacchetti in Bitcoin un certo rendimento giornaliero 5 giorni su 7, ha comunicato l'interruzione dei Bitcoin packages a causa di una condotta scorretta di alcuni promoter (registrazioni multiple e conseguenti guadagni sulle commissioni).
Ecco il passaggio fondamentale in cui si evince la decisione da parte della società:

considering the aforementioned fraudulent behavior—and in order to spare you a loss, we are unfortunately forced to immediately discontinue the BTC Packages in their current form.

Il comunicato continua concentrandosi sulla legittimità della decisione facendo perno sull'accettazione iniziale in fase di registrazione da parte dei clienti dei termini e condizioni di Usi-Tech:

USI-TECH expressly reserves the right and ability to discontinue service at any time without prior notice

Fin qui notizie pessime per i clienti Usi-Tech, la newsletter tuttavia continua ed esprime la volontà da parte di Usi-tech di evitare perdite economiche ai propri clienti. Pertanto per tutti i clienti che hanno ritirato il 100% o superiore della somma depositata tutti i pacchetti sono da considerarsi interrotti. Per i clienti invece che hanno ritirato meno del 100% dell'investimento fatto, e quindi in perdita, sarà garantito il ritorno del capitale grazie al raggiungimento del 100% sugli stessi pacchetti precedentemente acquistati. La sostenibilità della piattaforma sarà garantita, continua Usi-Tech, dal mining di Bitcoin ed Ethereum.

Newsletter Usi-Tech del 24 febbraio 2018

Quanto riportato è l'estratto della newsletter, che troverete integralmente a fine post, inviata da Usi-tech a tutti i propri clienti, sicuramente nei giorni seguenti se ne saprà di più visto che si tratta di una notizia destinata a far discutere parecchio.

Questo è il testo integrale della newsletter Usi-Tech

Dear Partner, the countdown is underway for the beginning of all previously announced necessary measures.
In just a few days we will be able to resume regular operations with a coordinated, sustainable approach.
You have purchased (a) BTC Package(s) from us and utilize the services offered by our company.
We regret, however, that in the last few weeks we have determined that some of our company’s distributors have behaved in a manner that is seriously harmful to our business.
Based on this behavior we have begun a detailed review of our entire system over the past few weeks.
The exact findings are now available. A large number of our distribution partners have illegally and in violation of their contracts received additional commissions and monetary claims.
These considerable, fraudulent violations result mainly from unlawful double payments for partner activities via fabricated REBUY, commission payouts via fake multiple registrations, and illegal advertising for the acquisition of benefits.
As a result of this misconduct, the viability and profitability of the active BTC Packages in their current form are no longer feasible.
In order to not excessively jeopardize your costs and expenses for the BTC Packages— considering the aforementioned fraudulent behavior—and in order to spare you a loss, we are unfortunately forced to immediately discontinue the BTC Packages in their current form.
Though we deeply regret doing so, we hereby terminate the contractual relationship through your BTC Package immediately by extraordinary or ordinary termination.
In regard to the legality of the termination of the above mentioned BTC Packages without notice, we refer to our terms and conditions, which you have accepted, in which it states verbatim:
“USI-TECH expressly reserves the right and ability to discontinue
service at any time without prior notice.”
We now make use of this right and further refer to our terms and conditions, in which we expressly point out that we assume no warranty or guarantee that the user/client will achieve any profit through the BTC Packages. We also point out that there is always a significant risk of loss, even total loss, in this extremely speculative market.
Despite the notice of a risk of total loss in our terms and conditions, we strive not to assign a financial loss on the BTC Packages to ANY CLIENT. After the successful termination of all BTC Packages, we will undertake the following approach.
All clients who have withdrawn 100 percent or higher (due to payouts) of the deposited amount of their respective purchased BTC Packages are terminated immediately. Due to the termination of the contractual relationship, there will be no further recoveries or payments for this BTC Package.
Illustration of how the current BTC Package(s) will be reset or stay live until they have reached the break-even point of 100%
All clients who have withdrawn less than 100 percent of the original purchasing price of their BTC Packages will be granted future financial benefits, as demonstrated in the following illustration, so that these BTC-Packages can reach their original purchasing price.
Our goal is to avoid any financial loss for our clients.
Illustration of how the current BTC Packages will be paid until they have reached the break-even point of 100%
At the present moment, however, we cannot foresee how long it will take for us to attain cost recovery for all of our clients. We are working on a complete calculation of all active BTC Packages as compared with all corresponding withdrawals.
The determination of cost recovery for purchased BTC Packages will be based on the withdrawals of each respective client/distributor. This also applies to withdrawn commissions from distributor activity and financial donations for partners in the capacity of REBUY.
The resulting shortfall in relation to the respective deposits for all purchased BTC Packages will then be paid out according to a yet to be determined contribution plan.
We furthermore reserve the right to take legal action against those distributors who harmed our company in the previously described way.
The damages obtained from these distribution partners will be used to achieve the respective coverage of acquisition costs for all BTC Packages.
Please note that you are obligated to duly declare and pay tax on obtained commissions and revenues (even from the partner REBUY) to your relevant tax authority, as stipulated by current tax law. We assume that you tax compliant, and therefore only in the case of a revenue or charge dispute, e.g. from the partner REBUY, would we have to send a precautionary control report to the relevant tax office in order to absolve our company accordingly.
In conclusion, we would like to thank you for your trust in our company.
We very much regret the unfortunate recent development due to the behavior of many dubious distribution partners.
We are convinced that we will continue to attain financial success for you with our NEW BTC PACKAGES 2.0 in a newly modified and 100% transparent form (BTC Packages 2.0 will be directly linked to mining capacities and will receive the net earnings from them 7 days a week). It is however at least as important that, due to the new structure, a similar situation will not be able to arise.
In the next newsletter, we will announce all of the details about technical processing and the new BTC PACKAGE 2.0. All related functions will shortly thereafter be activated and go LIVE.
USI Tech


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aspettavo questo post... mi son collegato ieri e non era cambiato nulla... mi son collegato adesso e ripeto io non ho assolutissmamente raggiunto neanche il 30% dei vari pacchetti... beh mi ritrovo IL NULLA PIU ASSOLUTO

secondo quanto dicono: per quelli che hanno recuperato il 100% i pacchetti sono da considerarsi finiti altrimenti per gli altri consentiranno di raggiungere il 100% e quindi non perdere l'investimento. Stiamo a vedere, possiamo fare solo questo

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