The Church of Jesus Christ is, should be, an apostolic Church. The birth of the Church and its foundation is apostolic. Thus the first Church was born and began to develop. Since the term "apostle" means "sent", it follows that the Church is a Church "sent, commissioned by Jesus Christ with apostolic authority"; that is, an apostolic Church.
The Apostolic Church has anointing and apostolic character, has a defined identity.
Because the Great Commission -wander the world, preach the gospel, make disciples of all nations- is a commission given to apostolic people, the authority of a Church that recognizes its apostolic identity, is unique.
An apostolic Church is a Church that has a strong apostolic dimension. A dimension is defined as the measure in length, width and thickness. This is: proportion, extent, range, scope or weight of a thing. The apostolic dimension is therefore the measure of the apostolic anointing that flows through a believer as well as a congregation. Not all believers will be apostles, but all of them, the church itself, will have APOSTOLIC UNION AND VISION.
When a Church becomes apostolic, it will break everything that was not possible before. He will acquire a capacity to do what he could not do before. This happens because of the APOSTOLIC GRACE that is poured out and received through the apostolic ministry. Grace gives us a capacity to realize what we have been called and sent to do. The apostolic anointing releases grace to the Church.
A Church that has no apostolic dimension, with the five ministries working as a team, will reflect the tendency of its leader or pastor. If the pastor's tendency is evangelism, the whole Church will turn to evangelism; if the pastor's anointing is a teacher, the whole Church will have great knowledge of the Word; if it is oriented towards the prophetic, its inclination will be toward prophecy. Churches will generally reflect the strength of their pastors, because they receive the dimensions that their leaders have.
What is the difference between the apostolic ministry and the traditional pastor?
The apostles have the grace to release other gifts. As our churches move toward an apostolic mentality, we will see the release of many gifts, including that of the prophets.
The thought of a pastor is based on terms of security and protection.
The thought of an apostle is based on terms of expansion and progression.
This does not make one better than the other, both are needed in the church.
The problem is when the pastoral anointing becomes the dominant anointing of the local church. So the church thinks only in terms of security and protection, and often eliminates other gifts that can be more radical and progressive.
The result is that the church becomes too pastoral instead of apostolic and prophetic.
On the other hand, churches that are apostolic can be without losing the pastoral.
The apostolic ministry has the capacity to include the other gifts.
The apostolic mentality is anointed by God to think widely and incorporate all the gifts of God.
The pastoral mind is not anointed in the same way.
That is why leaders need to adopt the apostolic mentality and its dimension, if they have the capacity to embrace and walk in all that God is giving us.
Believers need to be guided and taught through the five ministries, receiving from each of them their anointing, since no gift alone can perfect the Church.
Staying alone with the pastoral weapon would hinder taking part in a complete form of what is being available during this period of restoration.
Making the transition will not eliminate the pastoral anointing in the local church, but it would liberate it more, releasing others so that they can function in their pastoral gifts.
Characteristics of an Apostolic Church:
he fulfills the "great commission" with apostolic sense and authority (Matthew 28: 18-20).
He does not think in terms of his needs, but in the needs of his brothers and those outside (facts 2: 43- 47, 3: 1-6, 20:35, Ephesians 4:28, Titus 3: 8-14) .
An apostolic church is generous in giving God; tithes, offerings, firstfruits and alms for the needy (Malachi 3: 8-12, facts 2: 43-47, 4: 32-35, 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15, Philippians 4: 18-19).
The apostolic church manifests power in witnessing (acts 1: 8, 4:33).
It recognizes the authority it has and exercises it (Matthew 10: 1-5, frames 16: 17-20).
The apostolic church has the capacity to fight against the forces of evil (frames 16: 17a, 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5).
The apostolic church moves in healings (frames 16: 18b, acts 5:12, 14: 3).
It is recognized by the manifestation of God's presence
(facts 2; 4: 24-33; 2 Corinthians 2:14).In the apostolic church, praise and worship are different (John 4: 23-24, Ephesians 5: 18-20, Hebrews 13: 10-15). the glory and presence of God will affect the spirit of the people and the gifts will be unleashed (Hebrews 2: 11-12). the dance, the shouting, the celebration are normal (psalms 149-150, Galatians 4: 21-28, facts 2: 46-47).
The apostolic church enjoys spiritual freedom. Religion and tradition are broken and people are free to experience and enjoy the presence of God (Galatians 5: 1, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Hebrews 10:19).
The apostolic church identifies itself with the sins of the people and its city, repenting (2 Chronicles 7: 14-15, Nehemiah 9: 1-3, Daniel 9: 1-19).
The apostolic church takes cities, because it will be a church over a city or region (Psalm 2: 8, facts 13: 42-44, Romans 15: 17-20, 1st Peter 2: 9).
The apostolic church prepares, trains and opens the way for the following generations (acts 20: 17-28, Philippians 2: 19-24, 2 Timothy 2: 1-2, 3:10, 4: 1-5).