Bruce Lee - disegno - sketch (ITA-ENG)

in #ita6 years ago


Here is a quick drawing of Bruce Lee, the most famous martial artist, that brought the passion for Asian martial arts to the Western world: not only on the big screen, but also in everyday life, the gyms where you can practise these disciplines are so many now they are hard to count; more and more martial arts are becoming Olympic sports, with results that are not always satisfactory.

Seeing two athletes who are always in defensive mode, waiting forever for an opponent's mistake is not a very compelling spectacle for the viewer; many disciplines are born as philosophies of self defense, and they do not lend themselves very well to sport competition.

Thanks for your time and 'till next time.

Images of the author.

Ecco un disegno veloce di Bruce Lee, il più famoso marzialista del cinema, che ha portato in occidente la passione per le arti marziali asiatiche : non solo a livello di grande schermo, ma anche di pratica nella vita di tutti giorni, le palestre in cui si praticano queste discipline ormai non si contano; inoltre, sempre più arti marziali stanno diventando sport olimpici, con risultati non sempre soddisfacenti.

Vedere due atleti che stanno sempre in difesa , aspettando ad oltranza l'errore dell'altro non è uno spettacolo molto avvincente per lo spettatore; molte discipline sono nate come filosofie di difesa personale, e mal si prestano alla competizione sportiva.

Grazie dell'attenzione e alla prossima.

Immagini di proprietà dell'autore


where have you been? i check everyday

read about him over the summer and he was taking some dangerous headache medication that killed it, it later got banned, it caused cerebral swelling

Yes, he is a master of kungfu in china.
I ever heard about kungfu. They said that everything is kungfu.
Your painting is like him. I like it.
Have a good day @giuatt07

Your drawing of Bruce Lee is great, I love the way you did his hands. 😘

It's a pretty beautiful design, I love your drawing to done an excellent job :D

Bruce Lee is Legend! Very nice drawing @giuatt07.

p.s. Tell me your name, if it's not a secret. I like to address people by name :)

you can call me Joe :-)

Достойный рисунок великого человека

Это правда, спасибо

Brucelee is a great actor with a very skilled martial arts.

Dopo Steven Seagal e Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Lee non poteva mancare. Un personaggio con il quale sono cresciuto e che è causa diretta di tante liti con i miei cugini.

Bruce Lee is an icon of the world of cinema and martial arts. I will not be able to calculate how much time he was practicing continuously throughout his life, in times past. The sketch has been very subtle Joe, very good work.

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