in #ita7 years ago



Hi dear friends,
this is my entry for the @juliakponsford contest with the theme "Surrealism".
My work is entitled "The Dream".
When we dream often we mix more informations, and we can dream of impossible and surreal things! For example that we are able to fly, or we dream of our grandmother with our nephew, even though they have never met....
In this picture you can see a girl sleeping, with next to her alarm clock, which signals that this dream will end.
In her dream there is the presence of many elements: the forest, water, animals, a mermaid, an airplane, etc.. and someone who abruptly tries to show her something, and seems to scream! Will it be the sound of the alarm clock? :-D
Below you can see how I made the work: the technique is charcoal and chalk watercolored on canvas.


Ciao cari amici,
questa è la mia entrata per il contest di @juliakponsford con il tema "Surrealismo".
La mia opera s' intitola "Il sogno".
Quando sogniamo spesso mescoliamo più informazioni, e possiamo sognare delle cose impossobili e surreali! Per esempio che siamo capaci di volare, oppure sogniamo la nostra nonna insieme al nostro nipote, malgrado non si siano mai conosciuti....
In questo quadro potete vedere una ragazza che dorme, con accanto la sua sveglia, che segnalizza che questo sogno finirà.
Nel suo sogno c'è la presenza di molti elementi: il bosco, l'acqua, gli animali, una sirena, un aereoplano, ecc. e qualcuno che le indica bruscamente qualcosa, e sembra quasi urlare! Sarà il suono della sveglia? :-D
Qui sotto potete vedere come ho realizzato l'opera: la tecnica è carboncino e gessetto acqurellato su tela.




And these are some details.

E questi sono alcuni dettagli.




I hope you like my entry and thanks to all those who follow me ;-D

Spero che la mia entrata vi piaccia e grazie a tutti quelli che mi seguono ;-D


Nice!! very dreamlike 😉 👏👏👏
Great work @carolineschell!

Check out our Discord Channel

Thank you very much!!! I joined ;-D

phishing attempt - do not click link

I clicked on the link and it goes to a " Steenit" page, not "Steemit" and there is no one by that name on Steemit. ...I just looked it up; it is a phishing site. looking at the commenters rep he may have been hacked. Hope nothing happens to me for clicking the link.

As long as you don't give away your passwords you should be safe. If something appears fishy.. or phishy (😉) you can always report it to You can also ask for help there in case you need it.

Beautiful. Did you put the watercolor over the chalk? The colors look bright and undirtied.

Thank you very much!!! I put only water over the chalk :-D

I use water with charcoal - works really good on paint panel. Then you can use hard erasers (like typewriter erasers), sandpaper etc to work on highlights or push back for a sfumato effect.

Mach ich auch :-)))

I want to take an art class with you two as teachers. I feel like I would learn so much.

This is really amazing, I love the movement and colours. Well done.

Thank you soooo much!!! :-D

ah yes, dreams - a place where everything is possible. Long time ago I drew a color pencil work called "Reckless Dreamer" - but I won't add it here, since I am not into blatant self-promotion on somebody else's post (Trittbrettreiten in German)- If interested, I can send you a email.

Why you don't make a post of them?

I used the image already, don't want to flog it again. If you scroll down on this post, it is the last image, where it says: Premonitions of my dream - decades ago?

Che spettacolo, brava Caroline! Grazie per aver pubblicato anche le fasi della realizzazione, è interessante vedere il percorso creativo di un'artista.
Che bella anche la scelta dei colori! TOP!

nice work and good to see it step by step.

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