in #ita7 years ago



Hi dear friends.
These photos are for the @kus-knee contest with the theme "The door".
Many time ago the door was a very important thing, the presentation of the own home: it was made with love, by hand, and was clearly visible. Often the family coat of arms was painted above the entrance. If a villa or a palace were built, the main door was immediately recognizable because it was larger and more imposing than the other entrances.
Unfortunately, nowadays, modern architecture often no makes sense, as when the buildings are entirely made of glass and without handles, we consequently have more difficulty finding the entrance, and it also happens that children or elderly people do not realize that the door has just been closed and do not see it at all, which is also dangerous. On glass balconies we are forced to glue fake birds to save the real ones, and energy costs are clearly higher in winter and summer.
That's why I like custom doors, made with love and logic!
The first photo with the blue door is the one I decided to choose for the contest.


Ciao cari amici.
Queste foto sono per il contest di @kus-knee con il tema "La porta".
Ai tempi la porta era una cosa importantissima, la presentazione della propria casa: era fatta con amore, a mano, ed era chiaramente visibile. Spesso si usava dipingere lo stemma di famiglia sopra l' entrata. Se si costruiva una villa o un palazzo la porta principale era subito riconoscibile perchè era più grande e imponente delle altre entrate.
Al giorno d’oggi invece purtroppo nell’architettura moderna spesso non c' è più logica, come quando i palazzi sono interamente di vetro e senza maniglia, abbiamo di conseguenza più difficoltà a trovare l' entrata, e succede anche che bambini, o persone anziane non realizzano che la porta é appena stata chiusa e non la vedono proprio, cosa pure pericolosa. Sui balconi di vetro siamo obbligati ad incollare degli uccelli finti per salvare quelli veri, e i costi energetici sono chiaramente più alti sia in inverno che in estate.
Ecco perchè mi piacciono le porte personalizzate, fatte con amore e logica!
La prima foto con la porta celeste è quella che ho deciso di scegliere per il contest.






I hope you like my photos, and thanks to all those who follow me ;-D

Spero che le mie foto vi piacciano e grazie a tutti quelli che mi seguono ;-D


What beautiful photographs the blue door has a very Mexican touch reminded me of Frida Khalo's house.

I love Frida Khalo!!!! Thank you very very much :-D

Sorry that I missed this article before now. Good information!

Thank you!!! Wish you a happy Easter evening :-D

Türen mit Seele. Sehr schön!

Danke vielmals! Du hast es noch besser formuliert :-D

Ich denk mir das oft bei moderner Architektur... Da ist ein Stück weit Seele verloren gegangen im Vergleich zu Renaissance und Jugendstil, aber vielleicht bin ich auch nur antiquiert und versteh den modernen Zeitgeist nicht :-D

Ne ne, bist Du nicht :-D Es gibt auch in der Moderne tolle Architekturen, aber das sind leider zu wenige, die Konsumgesellschafft denkt nur noch an etwas was schnell brauchbar ist.... Dafür schätzen wir es dann um so mehr wenn wir die Liebe in den Details finden ;-D

So ist es! Hauptsache funktional, günstig zu bauen und pragmatisch heißt es dieser Tage. Zum Glück haben wir in Europa noch Perlen wie Florenz, die Wiener Innenstadt und so weiter :-)

Hab 5 Jahre lang in Florenz, 4 in Wien und 4 in Paris, gerade deswegen :-D

Anche tu ti sei impegnata tantissimo per fotografare queste bellissime porte, complimenti per questi scatti davvero riusciti bene, in bocca al lupo!!

Ti ringrazio tantissimo, mi ci sono divertita :-D BUONA PASQUA!!!

Grazie mille, altrettanto a Te!!

Tantissime grazie! In famiglia :-D

these are great doors - I love them also. Somewhere in the recesses of my photo piles I should have some details also, since when I am out on a photo safari in Vienna, I often take close ups of knobs and knockers, haha - also like wrought iron gates. I am particularly fond of Art Nouveau entrances. Some doors have beautiful stained glass and etched glass. But there is also a certain beauty found in old barn doors.

Ja cool! Jugendstil hat glaub ich noch niemand gesendet, also wäre es schön ein wenig Doku von Dir zu sehen :-))))

Über den Jugenstil (Deutschland, Sezession in Wien, Art Nouveau in Paris - 3 verschiedene Branchen) könnte ich ein Buch schreiben. Z.B. die Wiener Werkstätte, Koloman Moser etc ist von der Schottischen Arts and Crafts Bewegung beeinflusst, deshalb ist der Sezessionsstil in Wien ganz anders als der Jugendstil in Deutschland, oder Art Nouveau in Frankreich. Trotzdem findet man aber auch französischen Art Nouveau Stil in Wien. Ich müsste halt mal gezielt auf eine Fotosafari gehen. Von der Sezession (dem "Krauthappelgebäude") habe ich genug Details.
Hab soeben eine Türe von der Sezession unter meinen Fotos gefunden (2012):

diese ist bei Georg Klimt, Bruder von Gustav Klimt.
und ein Fassaden Detail von Olbrich:

den Einfluss des Scottish Arts and Crafts Movement cann man hier sehen.

right click and select open in new tab - they are reasonably large images

Die hab ich erkannt ;-D Mach doch auch bei dem @kus-knee contest mit!

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