Illustration: Flying turtles! | Illustrazione: Tartarughe volanti! (ENG - ITA)

in #ita6 years ago

Wonder to fly (on the back of a turtle) | Sognando di volare (sul dorso di una tartaruga)

ENG - My previous neighbor had a turtle farm. Also one evening watching television I came across a documentary on the oceans where you could see the turtles "twirl" in the water. So I began to imagine: how would it be to fly free in the air on the back of one of these marvelous creatures?

ITA - Il mio vicino precedente aveva un'allevamento di tartarughe. Inoltre una sera guardando la televisione mi sono imbattuto in un documentario sugli oceani dove si vedevano delle tartarughe "volteggiare" nell'acqua. Allora mi sono messo a immaginare: come sarebbe volare liberi nell'aria sul dorso di una di queste meravigliose creature?
Flying Turtles

Process | Processo

ENG - I made some pencil sketch to find the right setting, then I imported the drawing and started to color it in digital format with Adobe Illustrator.
In the image below you can see the main phases of the realization.

ITA - Ho realizzato qualche schizzo a matita per trovare l'impostazione giusta, poi ho importato il disegno e iniziato a colorarlo in digitale con Adobe Illustrator.
Nella gif qui sotto vedete le fasi principali della realizzazione.

Gif turtles

Have you ever imagined flying on some strange creature?
Avete mai immaginato di volare su qualche strana creatura?

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Potete acquistare delle stampe o altri oggetti con le mie illustrazioni nel mio profilo RedBubble:
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llustrator, graphic designer

Outdoor adventurer

Folk and Blues enthusiast 

Team sports lover!


Very good your thematic friend, your idea is unique and if I have thought about flying on a horse as if it were the horse of hercules, it would be something splendid but they are ideas without sense jejeje, greetings.


It's a good idea instead, what about a sky plenty of turtles and hercules horses? xD XD

Nunca dejas de sorprenderme... Como me hubiese gustado hacer este tipo de trabajos también. Saludos 👍

Muchas gracias!

Who has not had their fantasies, you know that made me think to goku in his flying cloud, instead I would think of a flying cat because they are tender and hairy where it would be comfortable to travel, hehehe, greetings.

To turtles hercules horses we will add confortable-flying cats too above us. xD xD (see @calito's comment) Thanks for the comment!

So sweet!! I imagine and dream of flying a lot, but never considered a creature to fly on xD
This looks like a perfect illustration for a children's book :D

Thank you! I considered creating a short story, but the best would be find someone that write it...

Definitely look for someone first ^^ You can always write it as a backup.

Bello il disegno, fortissime le tartarughe volanti!
E belli anche i colori!

Grazie mille dex!!

Wowwww, per tanti giorni non hai postato, ma questo è veramente eccellente, gradevolissimo, carino e simpatico, grandissimo @airmatti!!!!

Periodo incasinato! Spero di tornare a postare con più regolarità! Ti ringrazio!!

Excelent brother!
I had a long time without reading one of your publications.
I like the image that shows each step of how the illustration is going.

True, I'm in a too busy period! Thanks a lot!

Forte!!!! Andrebbe benissimo per una storia per bambini....

Grazie! Ci penso da un bel po' a un progettino, purtroppo manca sempre un po' il tempo!

Good to see that your imagination is really strong and i also love to give it a try and fly on one of these turtles 😅 keep going buddy .👍😇

Eheh would be nice, let me know how it was! Thanks!

Great imagination and execution.

Thank you!!

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