IT Security: Different Types of Cybersecurity Hijacking

in #it4 years ago

Providing IT security can be an expensive investment. But if you think about the possible losses caused by a significant breach, you will realize your investment is worth it. Hackers are getting smarter, therefore, the need to protect your network devices and digital assets is even greater. Large breaches can jeopardize your business badly.

IT security threats can come in different forms. Malware or malicious software is the most common. It comes in different variations to infect network devices, including ransomware, spyware, and viruses.

IT Security: What You Should Know About Cybersecurity Hijacking

When a cybercriminal is trying to hack an organization, they’ll make use of common types of hacking techniques that are known to be highly effective. Top 3 examples of these are malware, phishing, or cross-site scripting (XSS). Whether you’re trying to analyze an incident in your organization or you’re trying to understand the latest data breach headline in the news, it’s crucial to understand the different attack vectors.

What is internet hijacking? Hijacking is a type of network security attack in which the attacker takes control of communication. In one type of hijacking, the perpetrator takes control of an established connection while it is still in progress. In this case, the perpetrator intercepts messages in a public key for the requested one. This makes the two original parties still appear to be communicating directly with each other. A program is used by the attacker that appears to be the server to the client and appears the client to the server. This attack is mostly used to gain access to the messages or to allow the attacker to modify the messages before transmitting them.

What Is Browser Hijacking?

Another form of cyber hijacking is called browser hijacking. This type of hijacking takes a user to a different site than the one requested by the user. There are two types of domain name system (DNS) hijacking:

A DNS hijacking in which an attacker gains access to DNS records on a server and modifies them so that requests for the genuine web page will be redirected elsewhere and it’s usually to a fake page that the attacker has created. This attack gives the user the impression that the web site has been compromised, when the truth is, only a serves has been.

The second type of DNS hijacking is when an attacker spoofs valid e-mail accounts and spams the inboxes of the technical and administrative contacts. This type of DNS attack can be prevented by using authentication for InterNIC records.

In another type of web site hijacking, the attacker simply registers a domain name similar enough to a legitimate one that users are likely to type it. Could be by mistaking the actual name of the website or through typo. This type of website attack is currently being employed to send many unsuspecting users to a pornographic site instead of the site they requested to visit.

Getting to Know the Most Common Cybersecurity Attacks

A cyber-attack is any type of malicious activity that targets computer information systems, personal computer devices, computer networks, or infrastructures using various methods to destroy, steal, or alter data or information systems.

Examples of common cybersecurity hijackings are:


Malware refers to various forms of harmful software, such as viruses and ransomware. It can wreak all sorts of havoc once it is on your computer. From monitoring your keystrokes and actions to silently sending all sorts of confidential data from your computer or network to the attacker’s home base.

If you happen to come across an antivirus pop up on your screen, or if you’ve mistakenly clicked a malicious email attachment, then you’ve had a close call with malware. This malicious software needs a user action to be installed on your computer. This can include clicking a link to download a file, or opening an attachment that may look harmless, but has a malware installer hidden within.


Attackers are fully aware that there has to be a compelling reason for you to click a link on any email or open a random attachment. When an attacker wants you to divulge sensitive information or install malware, they turn to phishing tactics. Phishing attacks can be difficult to stop since they rely on human impulses and curiosity. This tactic will make a user take action on something they normally wouldn’t.

In a phishing attack, the perpetrator may send you an email that appears to be from someone you trust, like from a company you do business with or your boss. The email may seem legitimate and have some urgency to it (for example fraudulent activity has been detected on your account). The email will have an attachment to open or link to click. Once you open the attachment, you’ll thereby install the malware on your computer. Clicking the link may send you to a legitimate-looking website that asks for you to log in to access an important file. The website is actually a “trap” used to capture your credentials when you try to log in.

To not fall into the phishing trap, understand the importance of verifying email senders and links/attachments.

Have You Been a Victim of the Abovementioned Cyber Attacks?

If any of the abovementioned attacks happened to you, you must take action now. It can jeopardize your business, organization, and private accounts, and data. Strengthen your IT security defense today and protect your business’ date, customer information, and organization’s reputation.

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