Pakistan objects to India’s Cartosat-2s satellite launch

in #isrosatellite7 years ago

1.Pakistan said that the dual nature of the satellite can lead to "a build-up of destabilizing military capabilities"
2.Indian Space Research Organization today launched its 100th satellite, Cartosat-2 into the space

    A day before India was to launch its 100th satellite+ , Pakistan raised objections over the launch of the satellite and said that its dual nature, military as well as civilian, of the satellite can have a "negative impact on the regional strategic stability".

"According to media reports, India is set to launch 31 satellites including the earth observation spacecraft Cartosat, on 12th January 2018. All space technologies, including earth observation satellites, are inherently dual use and can be employed for both civilian and military purposes," spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan Dr Mohammad Faisal said in a media briefing.
Responding to a question posed by a reporter, Faisal said that the dual nature of the satellite can lead to "a build-up of destabilizing military capabilities".

     "All states have a legitimate right to pursue peaceful uses of space technologies. However, given the dual-use nature of such technologies, it is essential that such pursuits are not directed towards a build-up of destabilizing military capabilities, which can negatively impact the regional strategic stability," he added

 The Indian microsatellite will demonstrate a new technology which will allow capturing of images at night and will also provide high resolution scene specific spot imageries.

The imagery transmitted by the satellite will be related to areas of cartographic, urban & rural applications, coastal land use, road62469024.jpg network & monitoring and water distribution.


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