As sweden is not a nato state, it is free for all... so who is gonna get the tribunal officials with drone strikes or new tactics?

in #isreal7 years ago (edited)

this country is hell on earth ! stay away #statedep should do a warning to all to never go there :

A Swedish court has acquitted five men accused of raping a woman and being complicit in her rape in Stockholm suburb Fittja in 2016, saying there was insufficient evidence to convict them of the crimes.

Södertörn District Court on Tuesday said that the men – three of whom were charged with aggravated rape and two with complicity in rape – would also not have to pay any damages as they had been acquitted of the acts alleged to have taken place in the summer of 2016.

According to the court document which The Local has seen, the two men acquitted of complicity in rape had been accused of filming the incident, but despite a large number of mobile telephones being searched "videos of the incident were not found, and therefore not presented to the court".

Video evidence from CCTV and images from the stairwell where the rape is alleged to have taken place were however used in the trial, as well as witness accounts. The three men accused of rape acknowledged that they had sex with the woman, but insisted that it was voluntary.

And while it "was been established the woman had injuries after the incident in the form of skin discoloration and scrapes, the origin of or reason for them could not be established" the court's summary of the trial states.

"Assessing the information provided by the woman in the trial has been decisive. It differs in important parts from what she said during police hearings," the summary continues.

The Senior Judge in the case criticised how the investigation was carried out.

"All parties agree that there have been shortcomings in the investigation. During the proceedings it became clear that the grounds upon which the charges were built are faulty,” Senior Judge Erica Hemtke said in a statement.

"The evidence the prosecutor provided simply isn't sufficient for someone to be convicted. The information the plaintiff gave does not add up, nor does is her account supported with other proof," she added.

The woman’s defence layer slammed the decision, calling it an "embarrassment".

"The verdict is an embarrassment for our legal system. No perpetrators should escape such a cruel and ruthless gangrape. This is the worse gangrape I have worked on in 26 years," lawyer Elisabeth Massi Fritz said in a statement.

"I don't believe my client has been given a fair trial, based on among other things her background and person," the statement continued. The woman had explained in police hearings that she was in Fittja to buy drugs from a friend, and it was established that she had a number of narcotics in her system at the time of the incident.

"I am going to fight for my client and we will appeal the verdict to the court of appeal. We are not giving up," Massi Fritz concluded.

why not the mossad? those swedish are anti israel, anti jerusalem as the one and only and undivideable and eternal jewish capital city... this tribunal and its officials are the perfect dead walking to teach the swedish gov to shut up and OBEY. or maybe add the king palace? let's roll... pound them until they are dust...

they are enemies of isreal... and if barbara lerner is terminated too... I would be very happy !!!

let's make sweden burn.

TO THE SWEDISH AUTHORITY : THOSE MESSAGES ARE ONLY ADVICES TO THE RESPECTIVE AUTHORITIES OF ISREAL _ CHINA _ RUSSIA AND USA - IT INTENT NOTHING _ I WILL DO NOTHING _ I just advise what is optimal to do against an enemy of their states... and as you aren't part nato, nor the shanghai pact, you better suicide yourself... at least you chose how you die.



100 % but against a lot of "jews" like barbar spectre lerner who want to white genocide me, same sorros even if I am not sure that he does that, it could be his fundation going bersek, and all those who see me as their cows to harvest... in short I hate the leftist communist neo marxist who want to enslave me or censor me or defend the rapists and support white genocide, some were born from jewish mothers... may even respect the shabat but aren't jews...

it clear?

you got much to learn, young padawan ;)

always ready ! I made this :

I don't think it is wrong...

but true german war conquest and the russian reversal were among the fastest take over of land ever... ww2 maps are insane... thousand of miles in a few weeks... and how wide is isreal?

the berlin > moskow and the moskow > berlin... insanity. the problem is that it is impossible to defeat russians... the leadership just have to throw vodka bottles behind the enemy lines, and gone is the enemy... :)

Ok so first off this is not about race, genes or anything like that. The jews are a strong community and there are certain rules from Judaism that is still carried on in todays society. Most notorious is that rules/laws are never to be retracted, just added on. It is a missinterpretation of not boiling a cow in its own milk or something.

There are big supporters of globalism in the jewish left and the jewish right. The Chief Propaganda officer of the NS was a jew and the story about jewish bolschewism was something that the Nazis peddled to an extreme, so you should be careful buying too hard into this story.

There is a globalist Communist movement. It even got official names and stuff (Die Internetionale, International Workers Association). As a leftie myself I dont like to be lumped together with people who want global socialism.

Colonising Israel is an act of aggression in my opinion and should be treated/responded to accordingly.

As a disclaimer: I certainly dont want to bad mouth anyone for being a Jew, there are a lot of good Jews like the one in the group "Jews against Zionism" :D.

The jews also control the media and especially comedy. Andy Samberg is pretty funny though.

exactly, recolonization of isreal. and no most bloshevick were jews bent on punishing russian chrstians for having dared to not serve them, to not have worshiped them, to not have fallen on their scams, to not have offered their daughters to be raped, and when uncover to have put them in pogroms, since then those supremacists jews (worst than nazi supremacists) want revenge on #russia #europe #usa and everyone !!! they believe to be the master race, it is written in their texts.

"The people chosen by god"

the most pathetics aren't the jews and jewish supremacists that believe that... it's the evangical with their 503(c) who are forced to lobotomized white american protestants with this crap of jews chosen by god, when expressly the Chirst said that the old testament isn't part of his Gospel. that is why they hate afroamerican christian churches and try everything they got to destroy the afroamerican and their neighboorhood... they fear them.

not in fact, isreal is too weak with the thieves of palestine... me : gaza is bulldoze tommorow with mining caterpillar gps straight to egypt, same for all those in and out isreal to beyond the jordan... so not really... let's say the hard hard wing, those who know what a KL stand for... those who saw, those cried, those who wear the marks... they get me, the unicorn shiting kittles type... worthless, useless and dangerous... as the roman would say: the most dangerous enemy is the one inside your camp... the rest.... FORWARD!

The Sweeds better start acting in their own self-interest unless they just don't care. Barbarians are at the gates and these people are asleep. So be it.

i disagree ! we can use them, first offer evacuation to all females. if they want to be colleteral damages in a giant readyness war... it's good with me... but maybe you are right... this is alway hard to tell. but i feel more confortable with the evacuation opportunity... then it's full on :)... and it will make less co2 long term...

in short : bring justice to the victim - readyness cold weather live - less co2 ressources etc - and the smarties will have evacuated... win win win win.

anyway... i am not potus... happily for the swedes... or who knows... it must be horrible for their medias to brainwash them to accept to only get 5 of the 20 rapists and not being able to execute a single one.

you know I undersand hypergamy, awalt etc... but here... 20... my god. she never wanted that... maybe she wanted to buy narcotics... she deserve even more protection...

She is an innocent victim of all of this. Sad.

totally and now the goal as the past can't be rewind is to make the 20 and those who let them free victims... or reformulated: dead. so the european ruling class understand the message and american girls who still want to travel to europe are protected. war multi fractal... go go go !

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