Subservience to Israel.
How significant is it that Israel, the pet project of international bankers and financiers since the turn of the century 1900, was and is front and center calling for regime changes in the Mideast since the 9-11 attacks?
International globalist bankers running the West’s Central and biggest investment banks, have been predominately Jewish and in support of political Zionism over the decades as they passed their torches from one generation to the next. Netanyahu campaigned on a version of the same pro-Zionist PNAC war crime strategy in the 1990’s, that was then pushed on the U.S. and the world by Israel's lobby groups and “think tanks” along with the entire Western establishment propaganda media industry after 9-11 became the excuse. Or was it all just a coincidence rather than Israel's support apparatus coordinating with, and acting on behalf of the globalist bankers? Is it a coincidence the falsely named PNAC group tried to get Bill Clinton to attack Iraq before 9-11 became the awaited excuse? Advancing Israel’s PNAC strategy was the primary reason the West has been trying to remove Bashar al-Assad from Syria, while Israel has consistently called for regime change in Iran since the 1980’s which was also listed in the PNAC regime change, war crime plans.
Aside from destroying countries the PNAC wars created millions of refugees and serious culture clashes in Europe and elsewhere. Is it just a coincidence not one major establishment media network anywhere in the West investigates and reports the truth on these matters and the ties between the most prominent actors? Is it a coincidence the ongoing human rights and war crime violations committed against Palestinian Christians and Muslims going back before the infamous 1917 Balfour Declaration are not accurately reported on anywhere by Western establishment media to credit the blame for the Israel/Palestine conflict where it belongs?
If that’s all just a number of unrelated coincidences, then who’s running the Western house of horrors falsely labelled as “democratic capitalism" when there’s nothing democratic about it and it's more accurately described as a system designed to impose economic and military totalitarianism inside and outside Palestine, the Middle East, and beyond?