
Confidence is very high that this story you break will not make the enemedia headlines. However, it is without a doubt one of the most important stories of the year, perhaps so far this millenium.

Putin's close ties to Chabad Lubavitch is quite alarming, given Trump's ties through Kushner and Wilbur Ross, and the ongoing Syrian affliction. I doubt I have fully grasped the significance of your Psygroup broadcast, the Zionist affect on Q, and George Webb's declaration of his dependence and affiliation with 'old guard' Mossad, whom he stated dumped HRC because she and her unabashedly corrupt profiteering through CGI and the Clinton Foundation were 'bad for business.'

Thank you very much for your journalistic integrity Nathan. I can appreciate that this nears a dangerous pass for your commercial endeavor, as your point regarding the US State Dept.'s definition of antisemitism makes reporting on this intrigue and propaganda politically charged.

Yet, you have chosen to reveal as much of the truth as you seemed to have grasped. This is admirable indeed, and should be the practice of all people that hold their spiritual, intellectual, and moral values in high regard.


New shirts have been ordered.

Excellent report. Very chilling implications. I keep half hoping that the positive Trump or Putin hype would turn out to be true but I've always had my doubts.
The fact is that people have to stop expecting a leader to emerge and save humanity. Every time a leader emerges, those in control are behind him standing in the shadows.

Sure hope their plan doesn't go down the way they're thinking.
Sure hope people wake up and realize the danger. These are very scary times.


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