Dome of the rock chaos - End of times Prophecy coming to fruition?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #israel7 years ago (edited)


Today I wanted to talk about the events that are unfolding in Jerusalem and how it correlates with ancient prophecy involving the implementation of a one world government and the coming of the Antichrist spoken of in the book of revelations. Or who Muslims would refer to as, dajjal. Now at this point I just wanted to stress that it dosnt matter if you are religious or not, because it does not change the fact that there is a group of people working together toward ruling the world from Jerusalem under a one world government. Now if that seems like a bit of a mouthful, I ask that youread until the end. The problem is that many see the difficulties in the Middle East and specifically as they are related to the Temple Mount to be political problems. The reality is that this is not a political problem at all (or at least not solely), but largely a spiritual problem. Another reason I made this post, is to detail the importance of temple mount.

Chaos has erupted in Jerusalem over the past week, that has resulted in at leat 5 deaths and 200 injuries. The heightened tensions began a week ago when three Arab citizens of Israel entered the central area of Jerusalem known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif — the holiest site for both Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem— supposedly killing two Israeli police officers. Official Israeli statements claim that the assailants were shot on site. Its unclear if this was a false flag at this stage as this is still developing news. We know from history that this particular area, sacred to both Jews and Muslims, has been an area long sought after by the israeli state. In retaliation to this public event carried out by Israeli Arabs, The IDF has imposed restrictions at the holy site, ones that were not well taken by the locals. Some of these included restricted access and setting up metal detectors to the entrance of the holy site. Clashes and protests broke out which resulted in violence that left at least two Palestinians dead and more than 200 Palestinians injured from the intense clashes over the week. According to Hareetz news, The decision to install metal detectors was made during a 30-minute conference call Netanyahu convened just before he boarded his plane for a five-day visit to Budapest and Paris. On the line were Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Public Security Minister Erdan and senior members of the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet and the police.


Netanyahu’s mistake was not just in installing the detectors, but mainly in the decision-making process that preceded it. Even though he knows very well that the Temple Mount was the most volatile point in the Middle East, if not in the entire world, he elected that evening to deal with a complex, strategic topic based on tactical security considerations.
Hareetz news bring up an interesting point here, one that is central to this whole story. they claim that The temple mount is the most volatile part of the middle east, if not the world. They are probably correct in saying this and this is definitely something that should not be overlooked and Il explain why briefly when i cover some of the history behind this site. Before I get into that its important to also bring up the amount of tension that netanyahu has created now, because from the Zionist perspective, they dont want to undo the security changes that have been made, his administration has claimed that by removing the metal detectors and security presence now, it would be giving in to the Arabs. It also goes heavily against the fundamentals of political Zionism... which is to seize land and to never ever hand it back, to never give up an inch of its colonialist empire. and of course, the Palestinians reject the metal detectors because they view the move as Israel asserting further control over the site. this political chess move is a provocation into something that has been rumored of for many years, that is the Prophesied destruction of the mosque and the rebuilding of the temple of David. The biggest obstacle to rebuilding this temple however, is the fact that, in its location, another building stands in its place. The Dome of the Rock, which is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.... this is not just any mosque, its said to be the second mosque built ever. According to some Islamic scholars, the rock is the spot from which the Islamic prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel. Further, Muhammad was taken here by Gabriel to pray with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus according to Islamic beliefs. However, According to Jewish tradition, the stone is the site where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Now before I get into this, I wanted to stress the importance that, It dosnt matter if you are religious, atheistic, or dosnt even matter if you are a christian, Muslim or a jew. because it dosnt change historical facts. it also does not change the fact that there is a conservative effort being carried out by orthodox Zionist Jews, to take over this land, in order to fulfill prophecy. Its what you call a self fulfilling prophecy, when a group of people force something to happen out of their own will, all while claiming that its the will of god. From the implementation of the united Nations to the ever expanding borders of Israel, all of this has been the result of Zionist Jews and globalist bankers collaborating. Although in Judaism the rebuilding of the Temple is meant to be done by the Jewish Messiah, a number of organizations, representing Orthodox Jews, have been formed with the objective of realizing the immediate construction of a Third Temple in present times.
For many years, the city of Jerusalem was instated by the united nations to be an international city, to symbolize the unity and balance between the multi faithed residence who place religious importance on this land. However it didnt take long for the Israeli state to make a move on the arab state and push Jerusalem into the hands of the Jews. Slowly but surely, the Jewish choke hold of Jerusalem has gotten stronger and stronger.


In August 1967, after Israel's capture of the Mount, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the chief rabbi of the IDF (and later chief rabbi of the State of Israel), began organizing public prayer for Jews on the Temple Mount. Rabbi Goren was also well known for his controversial positions concerning Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount. A few hours after the Israeli flag was hoisted over the Dome of the Rock in 1967 during the Six-Day War, Israelis lowered it on the orders of Moshe Dayan and invested the Muslim waqf (religious trust) with the authority to manage the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif, in order to "keep the peace. On August 15, 1967, shortly after the Six-Day War, Goren led a group of fifty Jews onto the Temple Mount, where, fighting off protesting Muslim guards and Israeli police, they defiantly held a prayer service.
Back in 2014, Israeli intelligence officers entered the al-Aqsa mosque compound on and raided the Dome of the Rock. It was an insult to the Muslims at the time,who viewed the act as a provocative attempt to get a reaction. Countless times Israeli officers have icited violence in this area and carried out raids on alaqsa mosque. They are trying to push the Palestinians into action,so the zionist reaction, can be to seize this land. For many Years that followed, Zionists tried to claim that Jerusalem should be the capital city of Israel, a move that would effectively push the Muslim arabs out of control and leave the future of their mosque in question. In more recent times, we see this idea being endorsedby none other than Donald Trump, who seems to have a strong relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu.

Back in November, 2016, breakingisraelnews put out a very interesting article, which claims. "The Nascent Sanhedrin is calling on Russian President Vladmir Putin and US president-elect Donald Trump to join forces and fulfill their Biblically-mandated roles by rebuilding the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem."
Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, contacted Breaking Israel News to announce that the election of Trump, who has promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, coupled with Putin’s expressed desire for the Temple to be rebuilt, prompted the Jewish court to send a letter offering the two the opportunity to act as modern-day Cyrus figures: non-Jewish kings who recognize the importance of Israel and the Temple.
Rabbi Weiss explained that the US elections have made the eternal Jewish dream a very real possibility.
“We are poised to rebuild the Temple. The political conditions today, in which the two most important national leaders in the world support the Jewish right to Jerusalem as their spiritual inheritance, is historically unprecedented,” Rabbi Weiss told Breaking Israel News.

The Third Temple is portrayed as a religious notion and desire in Judaism rooted and expressed in many of Judaism's prayers for the return and rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem that had once stood as the First and Second Temples that were destroyed by the ancient Babylonians and the Romans. Since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, religious Jews have expressed their desire to see the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. Prayer for this is a formal part of the Jewish tradition of thrice daily Amidah prayer. For many Jews, the remains ofthis templecan be found at the wailing wall,however, for christians,they believe this was,just a wall and was not a part of the 2nd temple

Orthodox Judaism believes in the rebuilding of a Third Temple and the resumption of sacrificial worship, although there is disagreement about how rebuilding should take place. Not to mention the fact that this is a very holyplace for the Muslims also. Its for these reasons mentioned, that the hareetz article refered to this land as possibly being one of the most volatile regions in the world. The Temple Institute and the Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement each state that its goal is to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount (Mount Moriah). The Temple Institute has already made several items to be used in the Third Temple. the Rothschilds are believed to be the major sponsor of the upcoming Temple project. “In December of 1995, the Jerusalem Masonic Lodge was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon. The lodge was founded by the Grand Master of the Italian illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo who at the opening ceremony declared, “The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies.

One of the main reasons the rebuilding of this temple is being so heavily endorsed by non Jews as well,goes back to its importance in the occult. As Solomon, the son of David. Solomon Built many temples in the name of Moloch, who's symbol was the 6 pointed star. This symbol used today on the Israeli flag, was the one adopted by King Solomon, who occultists and satanists adamantly state that, became one of the most powerful shamans in world history. The rebuilding of this temple, is not only important to orthodox Jews, who believe this will fast track the coming of the messiah, but its equally important to the occultists. So this is another reason why you will see such a big push by the globalists to rebuild this temple, even by people who are not Jewish. In fact, one of the stated goals of freemasonry, is to rebuild Solomon's temple. from their perspective, its more than just some building.
According to the apostle John’s writing, there is a spirit of Antichrist, which is a spirit of opposition to the identity of Christ. Specifically, he was writing to warn of the dualistic heresy that denied that Christ lived as a physical human being. Because the Jews do not accept Jesus as being their messiah, they are still waiting for the messiah to come. However, from the biblical perspective, the one that will come, is the antichrist. The Bible does not reveal specifically who the Antichrist is, speaking instead of his corrupt teachings, but it does give many clues. Whether you have a biblical world view or not, There is indeed a plan to self fulfill this Jewish prophecy. Its for this reason that there is so much focus on the temple mount, every time something happens there, like the recent escalation of security, people start to freak out.
What happens in the Middle East occurs due to the direct control of the globalist elite, simply because the plan for a one-world government culminates with Jerusalem. Much of what happens in the Middle East appears to be uncontrolled chaos. In truth, it is controlled chaos and for the most part, a purposely placed distraction. Israel needs to be under constant threat for this plan to work out and for the finalization of their plans to come to fruition. Through the chaos and destabilization of the middle east, a peaceful resolution will arise to solve the thousand year long feud. However, it is through deception, that the enemy creates war.
thats about all I have time for today folks, but if you enjoy this post, be sure to upvote :)


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