
Dayah MUDI Mesra Samalanga is one of the largest islamic boarding school in Aceh and located in Mideun Jok Samalanga, Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia.


Photo : visible from the air

Dayah MUDI Mesra Samalanga has a students of over 5000 people consisting of 3500 men and 1500 women and also consists of 500 male teachers and 500 female teachers. but all teachers board both male and female teachers all teach sincerely without any payment at all and only expect the reward or reward of Allah SWT on the last day.
Dayah MUDI Mesra Samalanga has a routine that consists of studying and praying in congregation every time praying daily a day 5 time and studying one day night 3 morning, noon and night for 6 days a week except Friday, because on Friday the routine is mutual cooperation or fi also called gotong royong general clean the yard and clean the complex of boarding school itself for the comfort and tranquility in life in the cottage environment for easy in studying science that is taught in boarding school MUDI Mesra Samalanga.


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Are boarding schools common in Indonesia?

Yes in Aceh, Indonesia

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