Now All Europeans Became Slavs and Scythian Slaves

in #islam7 years ago

Turkic Invasions and Slavery since 700 BC.jpg
The original Scythians were a large group of Asians inhabited the land between Mongolia and the Caspian Sea from at least the 11th century BC (or earlier) to the 2nd century AD. The Scythians neighbored the Uralic tribes in the north and the Iranian tribes in the south.
They were settled and civilized people until Turkic nomads came from the east and invaded them. The Turkified Scythians were of completely different characteristics from the original Scythians but remained to be called Scythians.
The new Scythians, also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sacae, Sai, Iskuzai, or Askuzai.
The new Scythians expanded to the west and from them the Sarmatians emerged in the 7th century BC in a region of the steppe to the east of the Don River and south of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Europe. It is likely that the Sarmatians and Cimmerians were Turkified Europeans and off shoots or compatriots of new Scythians.
The Scythians, , Sarmatians and Cimmerians are the Turkic and Turkified groups which enslaved Eastern Europeans and created the Slavs ethnicity since the 7th century BC.
Trickles from Turkic group/s mainly Uyghurs coming from the Steppe migrated to the land between tha Caspean and Black Sea south of Don and Volga rivers and north of Caucasus mountains since around 550 BC. Their main concentrations were around Sarkel and Itil.
A year after the death of the last strong Assyrian ruler, Assurbanipal, in 627 BC, the Assyrian empire came under series of brutal Turkic raids.
615 BC: Turkic bandits capture Assyrian cities
Turkic groups created Neo-Babylonia (in 615 BC and ended in 539 BC)
612 BC: Another Turkic group, led by Nabopolassar, and their Turkified allies from the Medes, led by Cyaxares, destroy the Assyrian capital of Nineveh (as well as Nimrud) and split the Assyrian empire (Mesopotamia to Babylon and Elam to Media) while Egypt recovers control of Palestine and Syria
At the same time, the same Turkic group invaded and colonized Iran and the Iranian peoples in 600 BC
In 550 BC Turkic colonizers created the first Persian state. Achaemenid (Khshassa) (550 BC–330 BC) very much similar to what will be Khazar of new Scythians.
In 512 BC, when King Darius the Great of Persia moved into the new Scythian lands and their enslaved Europeans (Slavs), he allegedly penetrated into their land after crossing the Danube.
According to Herodotus, Darius in this manner came as far as the Volga River.
After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar, the second king of Noe-Babylon, besieged Jerusalem, and forced King Jehoiakim to pay annual tributes to Noe-Babylonia. Jehoiakim complied but later on refused to pay tribute in Nebuchadnezzar's fourth year, which led to another siege in Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year, culminating with the death of Jehoiakim and the capture and deportation of King Jeconiah and his court.
The term “Exile” is not accurate at all because it was actually “Deportation”. Deportation to Babylon became a regular punishment for the ruling House of David and their court if they fail to pay tributes. Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and others were arrested and deported in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year.
A later deportation occurred in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year. The dates, numbers of deportations, and numbers of deportees given in the biblical accounts vary. These deportations are dated to 597 BC for the first, with others dated at 587/586 BC, and 582/581 BC respectively.
During the Babylonian Captivity or Babylonian Exile (597 BC – 539 BC) only few hundreds of Israelite were taken captives to Babylonia. Only members of the House of David and few of the elite were taken to Babylon in captivity.
After recovering from the immediate impact of war, the Israelites continued to have a life not much different from what had gone before. In 586 BC Jerusalem was destroyed by the Turkic Noe-Babylonia to terrorize the Israelites and as a further punishment for not paying the annual tributes.
Archaeological studies have revealed that the population of Judah were not deported, and although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile.
In 549 BC Cyrus, another Turkic warlord in Persia, fought against Astyages, king of Media, at Ecbatana. Astyages' army betrayed him to his enemy, and Cyrus established himself as ruler of all the Iranic peoples, as well as the pre-Iranian Elamites and Gutians. By this power grab the Turkic Persian rule of the Achaemenid dynasty was established in 550 BC. And Iran, and the Aryan Iranians became Turkified and turned into Persia, and Persians.
The Turkic Persian king of Achaemenid, Cyrus the Great, took over power from the failing irrational Turkic rulers of Noe-Babylonia in 539 BC. He then organized massive colonization of Judea and Samaria with a pretext of returning the captive Israelite rulers.
Cyrus sent hundreds of thousands of Turkic people to maintain and deepen the colonization of Judah and Samaria, claiming that the returnees were the descendants of the original rulers. The Turkic migration and colonization which was called the return of the captives was a continuous process rather than a single event, and most of the deportees or their descendants did not return.
With such grand systematic deception complete demographic changes took place over many decades. After long strong policy of colonization and discrimination ten of the tribes of Israel were lost forever. The Semite Israelites in what were the Kingdoms of Judah and Samaria were absorbed and controlled by Turkic colonizers and the Semitic Israelite became Mongoloid.
According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE. All these events are considered very significant in the creation of the Jewish people, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism. With these changes Israel, the Israelites, and the Torah were superseded by a Turkic colony also called Israel, Jews, Judaism, and the Talmud.
Judah, now called Yehud, was a Persian province, and the returnees, with their Turkic Persian connections in Noe-Babylon, were in control of all the land of Israelites. They represented also the descendants of the old "Yahweh-alone" movement, but the religion they instituted was significantly different from both monarchic Yahwism and modern Judaism.
These differences include new concepts of priesthood, a new focus on new codes to preserving “purity” by prohibiting intermarriage outside the community of this new "Israel". These these new rules certainly gave the new Turkic elites and rabbis great powers and opportunities over the Israelites and allowed the Turkic stock to breed in their new “homeland”.
The Turkic Jews and Turkic Persians fled to Khazaria after Islam for safety and to warn their compatriots. They succeeded to turn Khazar to the newly concocted Turkic religion of Judaism. Together they started to expand Khazar into their Slavic territories in East Europe so they can make a comeback.
And these Turkic groups succeeded in taking over not only in Slavic East Europe but also in south of the Caucasus, Anatolia, Levant, and Arabia. Then later on they took over the remaining Europe using Christianity, Judaism, liberalism, revolutions, banking, organized crimes, terrorism, secret societies, and wars.


Yup! you were right my dear @tarig.anter. Another highly interesting & informative historical document I've avidly enjoyed to read with great delight. :)

Ahh yes, Sieges, Invasions, Colonizations, Subjugations, Coups, Betrayals, Everlasting Human Greed, Conspiracies.. ¿When & Where all these low human and earthly instincts will stop? ¿Huh? Sheesh!!

Hahaha all these little known details about this so interesting true scope about the ancient history of humankind contained in your articles, almost makes me wanna revisit and read again The Books of Enoch. And also check, one more time, if that ancient Watcher's Website with which I stumbled upon long time ago, through my precocious and intrepid surfing throughout the past tame waters of the web, back then in the early and incipient days of the internet in the 90s, if it's still online. Curiously at that time, what I was looking for, was trying to find some extra info than I already had about Cydonia & The face Of Mars. ¡Go figure! And apparently looks like the quest and research about this subject haven't finished yet. ;)

Good post mate. ¡Upvoted & Resteemed!

Very pleased you liked it dear @por500bolos . Almost all the biggest puzzling issues are related together. Once it possible to discover truth in any major subject many other wrong will easily fall. Take for example the origin of Slavs and Proto-Indo-European language (PIE); the alleged involvement of Arabs and Europeans in Oriental/Islamic slavery and transatlantic slave trade; the Holy Roman Empire; terrorism; all holy books and current religions; Persia versus Iran; European spring of nations and revolutions; Hitler and Nazism; Antisemitism; Communism; Capitalism; democracy; NWO; and many more.
There is a lot to be done to discover in human history, cultures, and politics.
Although Islam was corrupted by Turkic and died only 50 years after birth (610–661) The Quran say in Surah An-Nisa, verses 157-158
(4:157) and their saying: 'We slew the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary', the Messenger of Allah - whereas in fact they had neither slain him nor crucified him but the matter was made dubious to them - and those who differed about it too were in a state of doubt! They have no definite knowledge of it, but merely follow conjecture; and they surely slew him not, (4:158) but Allah raised him to Himself. Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
It is clear that all scriptures written in Babylon and postexilic are corrupt.

Oh yeah mate, totally agree. And I also think that a big part of those missing pieces of the puzzle, surely were destroyed and extinct In the fire of The Library of Alexandria among many others places. Books, scrolls, records, evidences, documents and such till our days. Amen of the many distortions and badly inexact translations of those manuscripts which luckily barely survived that massacre.

Keep the good work compañero. I am learning a lot from your history articles and about what for me, actually sounds way more logical and convincing than what most of us were officially taught throughout school in our entire life.

There have never existed and there are no absolutes in this universe. The truth demands lotta more research and logical common sense digging in the right places. That, if we really want to advance at least a few tiny steps to even be a mile away near of it.
Thank you for your splendid and generous contribution on these matters @tarig.anter. Cheers!! :)

Thanks dear. Do you wonder why terrorists destroy archeological sites and artifacts?
Sure you know.
Academia, media, priests, and politicians worked hard to stop common sense.

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