Thanks mr gutfeld... to remind me about my great project in the peninsula...

in #islam4 years ago (edited)

yeah... the thing about the invaders in child format... anyway.... confused... but the point of help is what I need !!!

so what is my great project in the pensinsula if I can go and if it't not vaxx...

it's a real personnal challenge...

my fear is like what happened to gutsfleds wife plants...

I would love to prove myself that I could grow tomato over the sand using a way to get fresh water from the sea (or not this part, as apparently the koweitis are speaking about sticky sands, and I know and understand what they mean... no no no... the driest... purest... cleanest... light as wind, but not dust ! ... ohhh...

why tomatoes? because I have seen already others challengers in the struggle... however contrary to them, it's not a goal to make a farm... it's for my own tomatoes !!! maybe trading the over supply...

what I would love is to be able to use a micro plot for a little while with a tent as base camp !

I hope the security situation would allow that !

however my fears :

the heat... I mean... not only for the tomatoes (summer in russia :D)... but for me... I don't take it lightly :D.

second fear... the tent living... specially those who snake and crowl with the big sting... I mean... I am not from the sand !!!! so my idea was to have a pillar bed? who knows :D.

of course this whole story is very cheap and fully carried by myself...

and lead to my 4th fear... how much does personal for me water costs?

I don't plan to go to the aljazeera and or above the clouds for this project, but maybe should :D

who knows who knows...

peace !

then who knows...

there is much much possibilities in the lands of all possibles !

then there is a little bit the fear of the language barrier with the old people... more sadness to not be able to directly understand, specially if know about my projects :( sorry in advance...

then yeah there is all the geostrategic situation... not very hot to take the southern route to afirca :D. not that the crossing is an issue, it's more what's on the other side...

I am more western african :)....

but not like those like obama., who seek to reverse colonize / dominate / genocide / enlsave and maybe even rape the "west"...

gl barackito...


RUSSIANS TOGETHER... olalalal....

we can only say, may god have mercy on those who deserved to be... to see... to live... to die in the russian storms :).... s storms... and if you fear the front... it's because you can't imagine the back lanes... those you can't see... how they aren't slow, it's just they start from much afar...

may god have mercy on the enemies of russia !

it's no miracle :

it's the nice guy ! then there is the "brutes" you don't see, don't know... the key word isn't science, it's APPLIED... or THEORIC... not beliefs. pfff...

too much, what a shame @putin finally fire team was... ... is... the most advanced source of fire of the whole SU research programs... some have pens to write in 0gravity... others :) other things...

where were we?

let's wait... who goes vaxx nazi... because I have heard stories about the valleys of the matchupichu... as said, those spacecraft owners, are reluctant... or slow, or what ever...

EARTH... it's already super limited in this vast universe... as of now...


ps (fun in the desert but not too far from a way... driveable :D), I mean it's not a designer growing project... more something on the grow... aka needs to have a garden center not to far for various supplies... like a showel... hmmm maybe not needed... you see... fresh...

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