Learning The Wisdom of Life in Daily Life

in #islam6 years ago


There is a time, we forget to mean that our days can be passed with one great power: God. He is an all-round God, who enables himself to do so many things. And every day is a day that actually always contains a lot of wisdom, if only we would take the time to reflect and reflect on it.

In everyday life, there are fun events, irritation, emotional distress, and various very dynamic events that change emotions. There is one point that must be done at this point by a Muslim. When we think: actually in this moment what is God teaching me?


Everything that happens is His provision. And if we want to open our hearts and take time for a moment, there are just lessons we can take from each incident. An Imam of Shafi'i when he stumbled he immediately thought that this tripping was a rebuke from God, until finally he reflected on what he had to improve on his deeds.

Perhaps through the pain of God, we will reprimand those of us who are too tired with so many world affairs, but give little attention to fulfilling His rights. Perhaps through the birth of a baby from a relative, God asks us to remember that our birth was a presence that was expected by parents, so we should not be a child who makes them disappointed. Perhaps through a pile of tasks that are getting closer to the deadline, God wants to teach this self to not waste the time that He has given. Through the ease with which we are given, we should guard our gratitude, and through difficulties we should learn to be strong and hang everything on Him.


This heart may still be difficult to interpret every event that goes through in order to capture the wisdom tucked in it. So like verse 6 in the letter of Al Fatihah, I will bring them to the end of Allah. Show us a straight path. Asking God to often surrender our steps to be safe in the long journey of life. Because the word huda which is contained in the word ihdina does not only mean instructions which are the meaning of the word rosyad which means only giving direction. But huda means giving instructions, as well as conciliating us to achieve the desired goal.

Whatever God gives today is the best. Thank you, then take lessons from it. Because wisdom today has certainly been prepared so that we are more ready to live life in the following days. Understanding, mentafakuri, and grateful for the wisdom that God has given will make us know Him more. And knowing Him will make His love increase. Recognize Him through the wisdom tucked in between the knowledge we learn, among the pleasures of the body; physically and conscientiously, and ask His guidance to be given ease in the process of thanking the wisdom that is also the process of knowing Him.

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