The Politically Blind

in #islam8 years ago

Liberalism in America is becoming rather incumbent upon any sort of political progress. Ironically enough these same people who subscribe to such beliefs often refer to themselves as “progressives.” Not only does it promote the political Marxist ideals of allowing the government to intervene in every facet of our lives. It also creates a sort of cultural Marxism, which makes it taboo to merely state facts. This cultural agenda is often referred to as “political correctness.” Political correctness stops people from properly engaging political discourse. Denying the fallacious gender wage gap or suggesting that perhaps their may be a problem with the doctrine of Islam are among the prohibited topics within political correctness. The latter of which I will discuss today.

Islam is an incredibly authoritarian and violent ideology, which totes itself as the religion of peace. In these Islamic states they mandate Sharia Law be followed by all citizens. This calls for persecution of not only LGBT people and women, but anyone of a different religion. They dress their women up in large black bed sheets and kill gays in the street. Terrorism is also rampant within the middle east. This is in fact a part of the doctrine of Jihad, which is a holy war to spread Islam to everyone around the world at the point of a sword. Now, not all Muslims are terrorists. But, almost all terrorists are Muslims. Religion of peace my ass! Can anyone name a single Islamic state in which they’d like to live? I doubt it.

As civil war rages in Syria among the Assad regime, ISIS, and various rebel factions, the poor innocent civilians need a place to stay. Europe was the first to take them. Especially Germany who has taken over 1 million immigrants and they are facing the consequences. Sweden’s rape rate is among the highest in the world with 66.5 per 100,000 citizens, 77% of which are committed by a 2% male Muslim minority. In Germany Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newspaper, Bild. This figure represents an 80% increase over 2014. However, this statistic isn’t complete, because it only includes crimes that have been solved. According the the German Statistics Agency, only about half of all crimes are solved in a year. So the actual number of migrant crimes is somewhere around 400,000.

According to pew research in Pakistan about 75% of Muslims want to mandate Sharia Law. In Iran 83% want to implement Sharia Law. Even in Turkey, which is a very moderate Muslim country, 32% said honor killings of women is sometimes justified. In Iraq 78% say honor killings of women is sometimes justified. In Palestine 76% say they had positive or mixed feelings about Osama Bin Laden. People from these countries are not moderate and the statistics reflect this.

People on the left admonish conservatives for demanding an end to Muslim immigration. This is simply as a result of willful ignorance of the facts. Hillary Clinton wants to allow over 10,000 of these people born into this radicalized culture into the United States. Don’t allow yourself to be blinded by political correctness. Unless of course, you want to put you and your family at a higher risk of being raped or killed by a crazed Muslim.

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