Details of Review of IRS FreeFile Provider:

in #irs5 years ago (edited)


Holy moly, I thought was bad (which it REALLY is, and their customer service is the pits), but this company is abominable, too!

Rather than rewrite it, I'll show you all the problems I encountered trying to complete my return on my own AND fixing the problems on their site. Then, I'll share with you the chat I had with Ernest B., one of their customer service reps, after I tried to complete my return on my own.

Question for all of you readers: Should I send them a link to this, so they can see what I tried to show them? Thanks for your input!

Problems, SNAFU and FUBAR!

What follows is the email I sent them after Ernie ended the chat. It's way too long to screen capture or use the MDL "quote" creator, so I'm just recreating this verbatim.

My email service actually screwed up on attaching many of the images because my Internet connection was disrupted while composing the email, resulting in many never getting sent to, so I'm showing you everything they SHOULD have got (image-wise).

That was completely unprofessional to end the chat so abruptly. I am shocked at the poor training you have received! I shouldn't have to tell you guys how to do your job, and I'm really disappointed that you blocked me from informing you of the following in chat!

The Interface (UI)

It looks nice, but it makes a lot of mistakes, suppresses some forms that need to be filled, often suppresses copy-paste and auto-fill, making it more laborious, and isn't as intuitive OR responsive as it should be.

WI Homestead Tax Credit

If you'd been trained right, and knew more about taxes, you'd have known that the Homestead Tax Credit is in your site.

This screen should grey out or remove the additional fields of each section if "no" is selected. Leaving them confuses the user.

The fact that I kept having to select "show me all forms" is irritating. It should be offering up related forms!

I should've been offered all the Schedule H forms after I completed 1 of them, but none were offered. I had to find them.

Again, the stuff I replied "no" to should've been removed or greyed out. What's 4a? Is that the nursing home question??

It didn't give an option "neither" for the first item I marked, and I don't recall that it asked me about any of the items of household income. Or did I not realize what it was?

It still didn't offer me the other Schedule H forms even after 2 screens of it.

This is required, too.

53214 is West Allis, not Milwaukee. Yes, it's in Milwaukee COUNTY.

Another field that should've greyed out or disappeared.

If I were a Catholic Irishman, I'd probably say "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" with a thick brogue. This is directly from the Schedule H EXAMPLE at the top (p2) - Schedule 3 IS required...

...If this is checkmarked! Is your web dev not trained, either? So now I have to go over-ride ANOTHER incorrect block!

Here it is.

This should trigger an entry on WI Form 1, line 22a, but it doesn't. Why? I cannot find where to remove the block on this. Another mixed up input, I'd guess, like the EIC!

This looks great, except it SHOULD show $923!

This, on the other hand, should show $2,192!

Earned Income Tax Credit

I clicked "yes' to the question about the IRS letter denying me EIC,

And answered yes to "Are you eligible for the Earned Income Credit?"and THEN it over-rode the EIC blocker! Your site was blocking it!!!!

Sadly, is so flawed it made no difference. Still no refund.

Learn your software and tax rules, and get them to give you proper training. Heck, they can hire me and I'll teach all of you how to be ISO 9000 compliant, too!

I should get a credit for my children, not from the Child Tax Credit, but Additional Child Tax Credit (Form 8812, which the result of is listed on line 17b of the 1040). Apparently, your website doesn't support this important credit, because 8812 isn't listed.

Addendum added after the fact:.

Note: Wrong tax credit name: 8812 is for the ADDITIONAL Child Tax Credit.

Although my search for the 8812 didn't result in finding it, it IS listed as a supported form (twice), while the 8919 isn't.

At least both link to the correct form on the IRS's website!

Oh, but it gets richer...

They ARE supporting 8919...At least on the list.

In reality, the 8812, 8919 and EIC aren't actually supported. Earned Income Tax Credit? We'll tease you with it! Additional Child Tax Credit? No way! Combat Pay Credit? Forget it! File to pay unpaid taxes for SSI and Medicare? No way, Jose, we'll just flaunt it but not let you use it!

On with the debacle! Returning you to the email!

Income Problems

We never even got to the other problem, which is 2-fold.

  1. Ex-boss decided to play games, filed employee as a consultant on a 1099-MISC, didn't take out taxes or inform said employee that s/he wasn't really an employee, and refuses to file him/her as an employee on a W-2. Employee then filed an SS-8 to contest this and is waiting for a response. In order to file for the taxes that should've been paid, s/he needs to file 8919 and Sched. 4. I'll teach you anyways, since I'm curious to see just how hosed is.

    It took some searching because it was a bit obscure...

    Since your web dev strangely combined it with 4137, you have to scroll down.

    Note that I cannot enter the complete company name, which is bad. Code G is required for my situation.

    Great, now it's producing an error because I didn't fill out a form I CAN'T USE. Brilliant!

    AND it's trying to force me to enter a date that shouldn't even be required for G (since nothing has been received), plus it's trying to force me to enter wages I can't enter per the note above.

Even after filling in these two fields, it still won't let me proceed.

I had to fill in THESE fields, that shouldn't be required at all, in order to save.

Not that it helped. It doesn't like 0s. Seriously, can we say SNAFU and FUBAR?

Thus, I cannot proceed with filing on your pathetic website. Looks great but falls down flat so many times!

Yeah, your web devs need to get their heads out of their posteriors and comb through the site to fix SO many errors. And your customer service director needs to do the same and get you real training. I'm aghast.

Wow. This rivals the inadequacies of!

That's the end of the email I sent!

Customer Service Chat Debacle!

Here's the chat, which he abruptly terminated and refused to resume. It was actually quite colorful, with my name in red and his in blue, but Steemit's editor doesn't allow for that so I apologize. I really DID try to help this guy!

Your chat number is 051-2442A762-013F
Glenn McGrew: Wow, I don't know what I did wrong, but I expected about $3,000 in refunds and got NONE. Help! I also have a somewhat unique situation.
Ernest B.: Hi! Thanks for contacting support. I'll be right with you.
You are now chatting with Ernest B.
Glenn McGrew: Sorry
Glenn McGrew: I was distracted before.
Ernest B.: One moment please.
Ernest B.: The system calculates amounts according to how the taxpayer enters information and answers questions. If you entered everything correctly, the amounts will also be correct. Our calculation software is based off of IRS guidelines. If you feel that an amount is a mistake, you can review your information on the "Review" tab by clicking on the "Show the forms I've completed" at the bottom of the page. You can also download a PDF of your return by clicking on the "File" tab and then selecting the "I'd like to preview my return".
Glenn McGrew: Are you new to customer service?
Glenn McGrew: Or is this SOP?
Ernest B.: We have been in customer service this whole tax season.
Glenn McGrew: I mean, you didn't even ask me what the problem actually is.
Ernest B.: Your problem is the system did not correctly calculate you refund correct?
Glenn McGrew: Yes. It didn't calculate anything that it should have automatically calculated, plus I have a special income category it didn't help with.
Glenn McGrew: And, an income discrepancy
Glenn McGrew: I should've been given the EITC, the other child credit, the homestead credit, rent credit...
Ernest B.: As previously stated, the system calculates amounts according to how the taxpayer enters information and answers questions. If you entered everything correctly, the amounts will also be correct. Our calculation software is based off of IRS guidelines.
Glenn McGrew: Sigh.
Glenn McGrew: Ernest, I think they need to provide you some uptraining. I've done several years of customer service and you're not handling this correctly. Don't be on the defensive. Analyze the situation, ask questions, get to the roots of the problems and provide solutions.
Glenn McGrew: be patient. empathize.
Glenn McGrew: If you don't have the answers, then pass me to someone who does. I don't mind.
Ernest B.: My apologies sir, but i am doing what i and everyone else here have been trained to do for the past 4 months. Unfortunately we have no control over how the system calculates, this is a DIY site so really everything is based off of the information you have entered. You can review your information on the "Review" tab by clicking on "Show the forms I've completed" at the bottom of the page.
Ernest B.: Some credits are applied automatically based on your tax situation. With no screens needing to be completed. An example would be EIC - Earned Income Credit. Once you enter your (and your spouse's) personal information, dependent information and income etc, the program will automatically calculate the EIC credit when you are eligible.
Glenn McGrew: Really, I already know what I'm supposed to get. I calculated everything before coming here. If the system didn't give me those credits, it's either because of a programming error, or because the questions are incomplete, wrong or not all the relevant questions were asked.
Glenn McGrew: You're still going on the defensive, Ernest. If this is how they spent 4 months training you folks, I feel really bad for you, and I can guarantee that customers will not return to No offence.
Glenn McGrew: Offense.
Ernest B.: We apologize and i understand your point, i am just trying to tell you how the system usually works. We here at customer support don't make the questions, we just solve the issues.
Glenn McGrew: But that's the thing - you've not even attempted to solve my problems.
Glenn McGrew: I've given you the info to start on one of the problems, but you've not tried to ask questions about it. I have other concerns, as well.
Ernest B.: My apologies sire, how may i assist you?
Ernest B.: Are you still connected?
Glenn McGrew: yes
Glenn McGrew: "sir" not "sire"
Ernest B.: My mistake sir.
Glenn McGrew: Ok, let's think of this as training. You have some info from me, now tell me how to get back to the EIC section and walk me through it to find out why I didn't get it.
Ernest B.: One moment please.
Ernest B.: Okay, click on "Federal Taxes" on the left side bar then go to review and click on "I'd like to see all federal forms">
Glenn McGrew: "I'd like to see all federal forms" is not there
Ernest B.: Okay, what do you see on your screen?
Glenn McGrew: I can do the guided tour or click on one of the listed sections
Glenn McGrew: I'm in the income area, currently, because clicking on Federal Taxes just said "get started".
Ernest B.: Okay, once you click "Federal Taxes" it will show you the sections there are. "Review" should be at the bottom above "State Taxes">
Glenn McGrew: Found it
Glenn McGrew: Which option now?
Ernest B.: It should be above that. "I'd like to see all federal forms".
Glenn McGrew: already
Glenn McGrew: I mean which federal form?
Ernest B.: One moment please.
Glenn McGrew: of course
Glenn McGrew: Man, after working on my taxes, I'm glad TaxJar didn't accept my application! It's hard work!
Glenn McGrew: Did you have tax knowledge before you started at 1040?
Ernest B.: Okay that was my mistake, what would probably best is to go through the whole income section again. If you go to "Deductions and Credits" under the federal taxes section and click "Guide me through all sections" it should guide you through all of it. Some credits are applied automatically based on your tax situation.
Glenn McGrew: I did it, no difference.
Glenn McGrew: It's not asking something it needs to ask in order to trigger the EIC module.
Ernest B.: The EIC will be applied based on your tax situation. Once you enter your (and your spouse's) personal information, dependent information and income etc, the program will automatically calculate the EIC credit when you are eligible.
Glenn McGrew: Yes, you wrote that before, but it isn't doing it.
Ernest B.: If you would like to find out if you're eligible, here's a link to the qualifications for the Earned Income Credit and extra information (EIC):
Glenn McGrew: I already know I'm eligible.
Glenn McGrew: As I said, I calculated everything ahead of time.
Glenn McGrew: You have to step off the deep and find the problem
Glenn McGrew: Figure out which specific area of deductions and credits I need to delve into in more depth.
Ernest B.: One moment please.
Glenn McGrew: When I go back to the EIC section, it asks if I got a letter disallowing the EIC. I answer no and it goes back to the list of deductions and credits. Something is not right.
Ernest B.: One moment.
Glenn McGrew: Unfortunately, I can't see the JavaScript that was used, so I don't know where the logical error is.
Ernest B.: Did you preview your return?
Glenn McGrew: briefly, but since it doesn't look like the return it is a bit unclear. in any event, my eic is supposed to be $2170, and my other child credit is $435 (from s8812)
Glenn McGrew: I should have to fill out 8812, sched. 4, 8919, eic, homestead sched. h,
Ernest B.: Alright, one moment please.
Ernest B.: This issue is more complex than we can resolve through a quick chat, so we ask that you please use the email tool in the Help menu. We will get back to you asap and go deeper into your issue.
This live chat session is no longer active

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