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RE: The Irresponsible Bot Owners Contributing to the Demise of Steem

Its about a scammer using those bots to get up to Trending, not about you. Nothing wrong with your content except you're clearly not scammy enough for Trending.


ultimately who gets to decide what content is worthy of upvotes then?

I can control who I upvote and who I don't but when bot owners start controlling who can use their service, I mean yeah it's their right to do it's their bot, but were also starting to give a single person arbitrary control over who's allowed to promote their content on here and who's not. If I dislike someone I can now use that power to not let them use my bot? I can but is that right?

I just find it hypocritical and funny how people on here bitch and moan so much about other platforms cencosring people, promoting a certain type of content, and then they do the same stuff over here.

I also just wanted to point out that I think jerry is only a piece of this problem so many other people are doing the same thing, hot and trending are flooded with garbage, jerry just gets mentioned because he does this better than most others and has more power to do it to a bigger extent.

Bot owners have every right to determine who can and can't use their service. It's their vested SP, not the community's.

more power to them. the community i imagine could decide we dont want this platform using bots, i imagine a hard fork could be done and there goes there power and money.

my point is once we start allowing a single person to dictate who can get ahead and who cant its a slippery slope. what if i had some powerful friends on here and i said hey you know that @swelker101 guys eggplant on axe handles, that's fucking dumb, lets all downvote his stuff 100% or lets not let him use any of our bots, then it really sucks to be you.

basically what im trying to say is everyone came here bitching and moaning about how bad youtube is and i see many of those same people participating in the same type of shit youtube does but its okay because its them doing it and not a corporation.

Scams, like art, like beauty, subjectively, is/are in the eye(s) of the beholder, hehe.

True true. One person's scam is another person's business. That's part of the problem here.

@guiltyparties, is it okay then for someone with a lot of powers to hold multiple accounts and upvote their own posts and comments with the said fake accounts?

I even noticed a powerful person like you give an upvote to same things you discourage.
I believe you are part of steemitclearners who discourage spamming and i am supprised to see you give a full upvote to a "lol" comment.

i think what is going on here is fight of the titans and the strongest only will survive.
To the weak and powerless the best we can do is watch and not poke our noses in to these fights. one down vote on my tiny account or blacklist and i am dead . lol

You think I'm a powerful account? I do upvote a lot of people who are either appealing Cheetah or are trying to learn to use Steemit.

With self-voting there's a few differences between the types. There's people who legitimately made and financed their accounts, they fall under one class, lets say Class A. There's people who are abusing the free delegation @steem gives out and creating giant armies of accounts only for upvoting without any investment, lets say Class B. There's also people who do a mixture of the two to make a giant botnet to publish automated copy/paste content on all accounts, and then cross-upvote them, those are Class C.

The general consensus is Class A are using their own stake, Class B lose their delegation and are rendered useless, and Class C end up getting their scammed rewards removed. It's the Class C ones that are completely demolishing the reward pool but because they're not that visible and their accounts are hard to find, most people don't realize they're there. They're the reason new people can't get accounts without waiting.

That all being said, if we use your example of an LOL comment, the Class A account may say that once in a while and upvote it. Class B and C accounts will auto-post it 100 times an hour and hide it in old posts. One LOL here and there, supported by the person's own investment (SP they bought or earned) is one thing and the 100 LOLs, also known as 'comment farming' is another.

Also, as a user you do have the right to upvote your own comments and posts. That's you using your stake as you want. It's your right and freedom, as long as you're not 'comment farming' as above. (At that point it becomes so detrimental to the entire ecosystem it must be stopped.) If anyone tells you you're not allowed to vote on your own work, they're full of shit.

Hope I answered your questions.

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