
Then you should be complaining to the Geoengineering crew. Want to understand weather, then study Geoengineering. There is your answer. Climate is and always will be changing. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter is Climate change!!! You are not a very good "Freelancer" if you are getting your facts and info from the MSM.

Weather- "the state of the atmosphere at A PLACE OR TIME as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc."

Climate - "the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or OVER A LONG PERIOD." yes climate changes as it always has due to many factors. Humans and the sun are what scientists (not Exonn shills) call factors.

I don't watch MSM, and Geoengineering ? are you saying that Hurricanes are being engineered by the Fed hahah!? Why would the government do that? So that FEMA and the The National Flood Insurance Program are going so bankrupt the President had to raise the debt ceiling so the FED can print treasuries out the ass just to keep up.