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RE: IranProtests

in #iranprotests7 years ago

I remember 1979 very well and it is very sad that when the Shah left, he took so much wealth with him. I knew many very well educated and cultured friends in the 70s. They called themselves Persians at that time.
Personally, I have very little time for 'religion'. Anything that puts up barriers between man and his fellow man, or between man and the source of creation, is working against our recognition that we are all one.
I am not American, but I would encourage you to google 'Project for the New American Century'. You might begin to understand why so many in the West believe all of these wars have been fomented deliberately.
I am not suggesting that your home based political system is designed to ensure freedom and democracy. I am sure there are local people unhappy enough to take action against the system and I hope they do achieve what they want. I am simply saying that this was also true in Syria, but the original freedom fighters were infiltrated by Isis with the help of the CIA and collusion of many NATO countries who use mercenary forces.
The CIA have admitted their part along with UK in the Iranian coup of 53. Sadly we, the common people, (even in the West) have handed over our power to politicians who pretend to govern, when all the time they are controlled by secret cabals behind the scenes. These cabals serve their own interests and have no concern for ordinary people.
This is what I have come to learn over my lifetime.


so nice that you are familiar with Iran such this. I appreciate your infos. We believe that we are Persian(Parsi or Farsi) too. Me and many of my friends do not believe in Religion. this thought dominated in peoples' beliefs gradually. We are different from our Fathers who have tried to change the regime. many of iranians do not believe in "Islam" which it seems that world do not realize how much true is this.
about "ISIS", it is so complicated and I do not know what is its real but I am sure that western countries and others even Iran, tried to establish this group. It seems that the politicians want to have such this groups to make violent in middle east.
about "Syria", I am sorry to live in a country who its government helped BassharAsad to kill syrian people who were following for freedom. Iran and BassharAsad have destroyed Syria and converted that to this situation.
about my people, just know that many well-educated iranians are trying to immigrate to other countries as I will do it in near future. there is no "hope" in Iran.
listing the problems which this regime had made in Iran, may take so long. we have problem is "freedom". In "hijab". In "human rights", in destroying our environment, we have no water in our country in many cities. in Ahwaz people can not breathe. many lakes have destroyed. industries which owned by ordinary people, have taken and gave them to Sepah. all the projects in Iran are managing by Sepah. Sepah is a military group. the worst problem is that government and some big groups such Sepah are managing by non-expert people. I do not know which of our problems can be interesting for you but just know that people are so unhappy and can not tolerate this regime

Then I hope you are able to make your escape plans soon and find happiness in another place. As I said, it is very sad what has happened to Iran during my lifetime, and it has all been about greed and the abuse of power.
Certainly the West have encouraged Isis, the same as they have encouraged all these mad militias, but so too has Saudia Arabia, Quatar and Israel. The thing is - wars make rich people richer. They sell the arms and then they provide expensive loans to rebuild the bombed and ruined countries. They install puppet regimes who in turn give them a huge percentage deal on their oil and gas and other natural resources. It has very little to do with protecting people's rights. Good luck and don't forget your Persian recipes - the best cuisine in the world!

The spikes are in his soul, not on the soles of his feet!
Great cartoon!

exactly right. I proud to you who knows Iran (my great country in the worst situation of course) such this. I appreciate your thoughts.

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