An American Observing Sanctions in Iran and also some words from me

in #iran6 years ago

Hello my friends from around the world! Today I wanted to share 2 videos and also write a bit about Iran and politicians and also North Korea with an Example video of reaction of people and what do they actually know about it.

A video by Peter Santenello which I really appreciate his work.

This is a video which I have seen it recently and It made me feel so good that a kind person from another country comes and explore my country and see the truth from near and talking about it and sharing it with the people of the world, to show them what are they see on news are not true, and they have to think what they really doing.

As he said about how USA government men, like John Bolton act. I also mention that what politicians are saying is just like there is no humans in any other countries and they talk like if its a group of criminals living far from their lands. Sadly, as I have seen some videos like below, people don't even think about where are they living and where are the other countries which they think its a threat to them, like North Korea, when someone asks people in LA about where is North Korea for example they show Canada or China or Vietnam or Iran .... .

An example video of how people react to a question about North Korea and where it is:

For example in 1:34 he asks: Should we consider military actions against North Korea, and she says I believe so, then he asks where is North Korea, she shows Arctic on the map.

By showing an example like this, I don't mean that people are all like that, and they don't know anything. there exist people like Peter Santenello who travel around and see everything even from near.

The question is why should people consider that attacking another country is OK while they don't even know where that country is and they don't even care if there exist other people which they are not criminals. They have families and there are children going to schools and living and enjoying their time with their families. I don't say that there is no problem in each country, surely in each country exist problems. but for example do we Iranian choose what should happen for Americans or Europeans, or their people? So the first thing is what people of a region choose for themselves without power of another country and without military forces from another country, which if we believe its right, it means that we are letting another country come to our country and choose for us, instead of us. Which its wrong.

I believe that we are all humans, and I wont think negative about people out there and what I wish is that they will think the same about us or about other people from another countries.

There are also other problems I would mention here, for example if I as a human and one of Iranian people try to create a pay-pal Account first of all they won't allow me, and if I try to do it in any other way, if they find out that I connected from Iran, they will close my account and even if my account has money inside of it, they wont give it back to me.

There is also many other problems like how the world act with us, like closing any doors on us. but fortunately we still have Internet and crypto world help us some how, but not all the people knows about how to use crypto. But it was good for me.
I also faced some problems months ago, like when I signed up on a trade market like Bittrex which I am sure that people out of Iran still love it and they are using it. But I have to tell you guys. Thousands of Iranian people lost their money, because Bittrex suddenly closed all their accounts right after Trump said we have to add more sanctions against Iran. and still people are sending Tweets to people like Richie and other members of Bittrex to take back their money but they cant and none of their members answering people and if someone asks much they will block him/her.

Also I wanted to show that some sites such as Youtube removed Iran's from Countries locations, so actually Youtube doesn't accept Iran as a Country :

At the end I want to say thanks to all the people who will spread this message and this video which I believe was a great work by Peter and I hope more people will do the same.

Thanks a lot!

Peace & Love!

Sort: why is Iran being sanctioned? @bifilarcoil @palikari123

Iran does not seem to be willing to play by the rules of the globalists.
Also note that Iran is now getting the country in the region with the lowest living standard due to economic pressure. And history shows us that the globalists play this game over and over again.

  • They want something form a country.
  • They first try to get it for cheap on their unreasonable terms.
  • If the country gives in they will be forever slaves of the system
  • If the country does not give in, then they play plan B
  • Plan be can be economic sanctions, or bogus claims of weapons of mass destruction
  • Essentially whatever can give a reason for military action goes
  • Then the US army rolls in and throws the complete arsenal of arms overstock at it to clear their warehouses
  • Millions of people die (their way of 'reducing overpopulation')
  • etc.

Just look how the globalists dealth with Argentinia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, Vietnam, etc. Everywhere where natural resources are to be taken that are essential for the industry at that moment in time that area will become the next victim. Venezuela and Iran have big oil reserves, Iran is in the middle east so all of the Arabian world, Russia, China Europe and the USA will want their hands into that cookiejar. Meanwhile Venezuela will be left to their own devices. The deeper their economy drops the cheaper the oil will become. The more people will kill eachother over political BS. Chavez is proven to be correct. Maduro has landed in the seat of the president seemingly with good intentions, but the globalist chessplayers have stacked the game against him, just like they did with Chavez. Yet Chavez had better insights and he hat the people behind him. Maduro is just a pawn. An ambisious bus driver who stepped up when nobody else dared to step forward, and now the people he stepped up FOR are taking him down. All tricked by the globalists. And non of them even want to see it. OK some do, but they will never be able to explain the bigger picture to angry people that blindly follow the propaganda. Same as nazi Germany shortly before WWII. I think Indonesia also was played like this.
Same with Greece. Spain also seems to be in a dangerzone like Greece.

Thats how the bigger picture is developing in my mind. I can be wrong about the details, but in rough lines i think i'm very close to reality.

Maybe @palikari123 can add something to this, though I know he most likely want's to leave this topic alone at the moment. Thats why i rambled past all healthy edges...

This globalist BS is also getting to me. I'm not going to be depressed or anything, as knowing the truth makes me more happy then living in miserable ignorance.
Truth being the lesser evil in that perspective. So 'happy' is not really a good word n that sense.

Now I hope that my comment will make more then 1 cent. LOL

Steemit has a LOT of things to improve. :-)

Thanks mate. Well .03 was all i can afford atm. Iran looks lovely from where am sitting down.
What can stop the roller-coaster from turning?

whales eating the plankton eh?...

Put the plankton in a pond...the whales won't be able to reach them.

i forgot to say u could have posted ur comment haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for saving me the time of reply!

@bifilarcoil I agree with most of your words, but I dont agree with your words about Chavez and Maduro, and still I add : this is an inside problem for Venezuela and not related to USA or China or Russia or any other countries ... .
I just dont agree with giving much power to one person and obey him and make him a god who can do anything to us.

Video Coup Venezuela

Chavez really tried to make things work, but the globalists have destroyed it.
And from my point of view he didn't have much choice to do it any different. The globalists have put him in that position. They want the natural resources at the loawest price. And now, years later, they managed to turn the population against Maduro. And this crisis makes those natural resources VERY cheap.
They even managed to make people think that the US dollar is the solution. But that makes it WORSE. Once they hit rock bottom and then use the dollar they will NEVER be able to get the value of ANYTHING go higher unless the US decides.
With the dollar they will be slaves to US oil prices. US will exploit that for as long as there is oil.... So this screw up the life of many generations to come.

And I know it is easy for me to say, I don't live there, and there are many other things that are involved here.. So I don't know the full picture. Yet I know enough about the globalist BS to see how they caused all of this.

you are completely correct about globalists and these actions, but the only way to understand what Chavez or Maduro is to ask from different people who live in Venezuela to understand what they had done for their people.
what I am saying is that if a person is a real great man who stand against these globalists, why he is doing crimes in the other side? the only problem which made me stop thinking that there exist true hero leaders.

for example as you know these men, I have to tell you for example Castro who did a revolution, he had great ideas, just like che guevara , but unfortunately, the only problem that people ignore is that they think these men won't change, Che Guevara was not alive so we didn't saw his future, but we saw Fidel's future, against his words, which he said he dont care about wealth, he was living rich and not like poor people of his country until his last time of life.
he could think about who he was before reaching that point.
I am totally against all the globalists who do and did many political actions to reach their stupid goals and make lives harder for people of some countries who live in places which has much resources.
but the problem I mentioned above is also is one of the things that I can't accept.
if you had read Animal Farm by George Orwell, you will completely get what I mean.
first some men come and act and talk like they want to make everything good for people, then they start a revolution, they use some men who are so brave and die in that path, till they reach their goal and create a new system which it may even become more worse than what it was before.
so this part I think maybe is a work by globalists and maybe not. and as I see when someone who live as a dictator and people cant choose the next leader and he had to be forever at the top (even in some countries voting for a president became a joke today and always cheating happens)
but well, when someone is like that. I can't believe that he is fighting with globalists. there must be only one reason that person is fighting with globalists. to save his system.

far from all these things, I also have to add another thing. do they (Globalists, Politicians, people) ever read history?

just look, where is Persian's great kingdom? where is Egypt's great kingdom? where is Romans great Kingdom? where are vikings? where is all the other great kingdoms which they thought they will be forever at the top.

the problem that USA government or Russia or China or any other country's government ignore, is that this is a unique world, and if they put any sources in one place and build kingdoms and spending all their money on one side of the world and destroy the other parts of the world. it wont last long. just like the old great kingdoms.
as you are mentioning about future, I believe nothing is stable, these Globalists will also fall, maybe from inside or maybe from outside.

First of all thank you for this reply. I have red it but need to red it a few more times when I'm less tired to make sense of it.
I have read Animal Farm and I know what you mean. Politics are horrible and in the 21st century politics became worse then Animal Farm. Yes this world is far worse then Orwell could imagine as they seem to have used his writings not as a warning but as a manual. And this is how they set good people up. And force them ito impossible situations. Then the globalists demonise those people / turn them into dictators. As what is happened to Maduro. Now at that point they can say "MADURO IS A DICTATOR" and maybe he now is. But it was the globalists who forced him into that position. And they get away with their crimes.
Does not make Maduro a better person. But we must keep an eye on the ball. And never forget who did what.
I'll get back at this. You make a good point. And we really need more people to look into this. Specially people who experience this from within the system. It is horrible enough that there are no laws that stop the globalists.
We can not win this if we let the globalists get away with this time and time again.
How often is a busdriver made president? He is just a pawn on the chessboard.

are you in discord? I would like to talk more in there :)

Yes I am. I'm very much interested to have a brainstorm about this. For me it is extremely difficult to grasp what the people in Venezuela have to go trough mentally. Let alone to be able to grasp the idea of globalism and how that affects their lives right now.
I'm sure i'm missing a lot of knowledge about how life is for people who live in this crazy situation. I'll try to find you on discord @davidfar.
I hope i'm in a server near you.

political games for their benefits which people are the victims in these games.

The things is if people revolt...own government will make them suffer, right? Unless the government is for the people...there is a chance?

well surely inside problems hurt us and we have to find a clue for it, but more than that outside world is banning us and disabling us from using international rights. and when other countries stop trading with my country. it all effects on our lives.

Yes it does and no one seem to care. But i hope change for the better can come soon for Iran.

The globalists will manipulate the people so they blame the very people who are actually try to do the right thing. Look at Venezuela Maduro tried to pick up where Chavez left the scene. But the globalists manipulated the people trough the market by creating scarcity. (Toilet paper and food) and blame project the blame on Maduro.
Now in Ecuador they seem to be trying to do the same thing. Lets hope the people of Ecuador can see how the game is played.

How is the people in ecuador taking it? Peole are leaving? Loads of Venezuelans did..although some stayed.

They are protesting. People seem to be more aware and a bit more prepared. I hope they manage to fix this. The vice president is a political prisoner (on hungerstrike since okt 22)

Sounds good at least..fighting the globalist somehow gives u a bit of hope for a change.

Some journalist there say that they would not have been able to change anything without wikileaks. As they provide the evidence that all the events where planned far ahead.

yes, the invisible chess board played by the invisible globalists

You know i can only compare it to the Philippines' opposition, although they were in power before Duterte. The people have had enough so 23M voted for him and he is trying to change the system.
The people can put into power who they think will do right.

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Always depends on integrity, greed is always a danger.The globasists have so much money that about everyone can be bought.... And if they really stand their ground then the globalist spend all that money on the enemy. Just like Venezuela, Chavez did not budge, then the globalists bough the opposition, and created a division amongst the population. 50% and set them up against eachother... Both sides will loose... And once the country is at rock bottom then the corporate globalists roll in to 'save them'.

Pure evil.

That sounds like the Philippines before Pres. Duterte. How the opposition loathe him and blind to the good he is doing for the country and the people.

Of course, the Filipinos who follow the opposition, the media paid for by the opposition want to oust him. But even Queen Elizabeth said to learn from him.

Then now is the time to educate people, and make sure they don't come back. Aince they will now be making plans to take over again. Funded by the globalists.
Remember the globalists fund both sides.
QE wanst to be seen in the good light in all the newspapers, yet once the camera's are off she will prefer to see a money flow into her bank account.

The fight against the opposition is there...a constant for the senatorial election next year, that is the next target. In saying that, a lot of the corrupts are mostly there, working behind the sidelines. The Human Rights, the Church, the opposition, theyre all in cahoots in wanting to oust him.
As for QE, that can just be a sign for all we know.

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Im glad you posted about this! Fuck John Bolton!
Anytime someone brings up a topic like this, I try and tell them the sanctions do nothing but hurt the people. U.S. govt is always trying to propagandize the American population in going along with supporting wars and sanctions. And yes, the video is true: most here in America could not find N Korea on a map but they sure think we should go to war. I always question people on where they got that opinion. It was made for them subconsciously! Ah this ignorant shit makes me mad!

I am glad to know that Iranians dont all hate us Americans. Peace to you @davidfar! Tell people in Iran to stay strong!

Thank you Michaelevans, you are totally right, and I am also glad to have people like you to take side of victims and not listening to what they (politicians) want people think and do.
Peace to you to my friend.
Thank you

Iran looks like a beautiful place. I wish I could visit. I hope you will write more about whats going on in Iran so that more people can know

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