The Painful Betrayal Of LOVE

in #iplay6 years ago (edited)

Juliet Fawole is a beautiful young lady who graduated from the university at the age of 23. She studied Business Administration and graduated with a second class upper. She is not from a wealthy family but they are living well. Her dad is a teacher at a Government School while her mum is a petty trader.
Moses Adebayo is a graduate too but also an artist. He sings pretty well. They met and fell in love. Moses had the opportunity to meet with a famous musician who signed him up on his record label. Moses began to make wave got popular and his relationship with Juliet began to go sour. He stopped answering her calls and never returned the calls either. So, Juliet was very curious so she went to his house.

(Conversation between Juliet and moses)
Juliet: Honey, good morning. How are you today?

Moses: I'm fine. Juliet what are you doing at my place this early?

Juliet :You just called me by name not even a pet name as you normally do,I came because you no longer answer my calls you don't even call me have I wronged you?

Moses : No! You did not wrong me.

Juliet: Then what is going on my love? Please tell me if I did anything let me apologise. In fact, I'm sorry.

Moses: (sighs) Well, nothing is wrong and you did not offend me. I've been very busy these days

Juliet: Too busy to call me? That is not fair at all.

Moses: Juliet, please I just got signed to a new record label and you are aware. So, now I have to take my career seriously.

Juliet: (surprised) What exactly are you trying to say?

Moses: I just need space, I want to focus on my career and with you around I can't do that.

Juliet: (sobbing) So you are breaking up with me? This is not what you promised me. (crying) Moses, I love you. Don't do this to me, please (she pleads)

Moses :I'm sorry it had to end this way but you have to move on. My career is more important to me. Take care and goodbye.

Moses shuts the door while Juliet sits on the floor and weep

Juliet: I lost my relationship because my lover is more interested in stardom? This is unfair (weeping profusely). The relationship I have been putting all my energy, my life into all these while just ended like this? I can't believe this is happening right now. Moses.............s (she screams)

I appreciate the organisers of this contest @the-future, @anomadsoul and @jochi

So heartbreaking...


Wow.... kudos 👍


Sorry for her

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