When A Friend Became Famous

in #iplay6 years ago

Two guys laughing and joking while eating....

Hyacinth: Hahahaha....
Let's just manage this one o
There's no more food left in the kitchen.

Peters: So that is why you didn't come with me this morning right for jugging? You've been consuming all the food.

Hyacinth: Sorry, I was very hungry then. Oya eat it alone.
I can manage.

Peters: No, don't worry, we'll share it.

2 days later.

Hyacinth: I've got a good news Peterz.

Peters: Wow, fill me in.

Hyacinth: You know that singing competition I went for?

Peters: That one that you were singing like you swallowed 🐸 frog.
Lol. I remember it na....

What's up?

Hyacinth: Well, I just got a call from them that I'll be going to the States for intensive 3 months training after which I'll return and I'll get a one year recording deal with them.

Peters: Wow. This calls for good news.
When do you leave?

Hyacinth: On Monday.

Peters: Then we need to celebrate this. Call Keshi, let's go have a drink. This calls for celebration.
Drinks on me.

They all have a drink and on the said Monday, Hyacinth travels out as expected.

3 months later, Peters and a friend are having a drink at a bar when they sight a beautiful car coming towards the bar.

Keshi: Wow, that's my dream car mehn.... Isn't it beautiful?

Peters: Yes it is. The owner must be new in town.

Haven't seen such a car around here before.

Keshi: Yeah true. Let's make friends with him so he doesn't miss his way around here.

Hyacinth: If he needs our help, he'll ask for it. There's no need to appear pushy. He may think we're after his money.

Guy comes down from car and approaches the counter to make some enquiries.

Keshi: Hey, isn't that Hyacinth? ....said he, pointing towards the young man over the counter.

Peters: Are you crazy.
Hyacinth isn't around and even if he comes, I'll be the first person he'll call.
I'm his right hand man, remember.

Keshi: Look closely Peters. It's him.

Peters, still doubting, takes a closer look and shouts uncontrollably, running towards him as he does.

Peters: Hyacinth! Hyacinth!! He called out as he approached the guy in suit.

But was stopped by the body guards.

Peters: Let me be. That's my buddy right there. We go from way back. So if you'll please clear off the road, I've got to see him.

Hyacinth, oblivious of the happenings decided to check what was keeping the body guards so....on guard.

Hyacinth: Hey, what's going on here?

Bodyguard: This guy claims he knows you and have been pressing to see you.

Peters: I've been telling them to let me in that you're my buddy, but they wouldn't budge.

(Addressing the bodyguards)
Now clear off the road would you.

(To Hyacinth)
Please tell them to clear off.

Hyacinth: Why?
They're doing their job🤷🏻‍♀

Peters: It's me Hyacinth

Hyacinth: And so?
See, a lot of things have changed since I left.
You obviously don't expect to roll with me like before as you're not in my level.

I'll drop by to see the boys if I can though.

But for now, you can't come close.

I determine that. Not the other way round.

Here is a few $, should be sufficient to buy you a decent meal.

Have a nice day.

He entered his car along with his body guards and drove off.

Peters stood there.
Walked back to his friend Keshi who had obviously been watching from afar.

Keshi: I told you that was Hyacinth.

Peters: I still don't understand a thing. Hyacinth wouldn't do that to me. Never. We're like brothers mehn.

Keshi: That's life for you.
When some people become famous, they forget their roots and act like you don't exist.

Well, outrightly, in their world, you actually do not exist.


Hmmmm... It's funny how humans forget those who were there for them from the very beginning. Those who stood by them when they had nothing to offer.

I hope we learn from stories like this and be nice to those who knew us before we attained fame and success.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful lesson @julietisrael

Thanks a lot for reading.....


you're so funny guys! I happy to see this post!

I happy to see your comment too

Happy for you, my friend :)

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