I Pet Goat 2 Review. It is ALMOST the END of the WORLD As We Know It !

in #ipetgoat-26 years ago (edited)



Quotes Archbishop Donnie Chong
14 Nov at 12:26 am

I just want to point out something.

At the 6.22mins mark of the I, pet goat II video, right after the old church collapse scene, you can see there is a purple color sky on the left-hand side.

This has become a common theme since Nibiru has entered planet earth solar system


Purple is the color of Royalty and The King of All Kings, Planet earth's Messiah. Purple is also the color that the planet Nibiru gives off since it is now in our solar system. The closer it gets the more purple you will see reflecting from it.

Deaconess Sarah Kelvin
And America just started seeing purple skies a lot more now. I wonder if that where we are now in I pet goat 2

But there is more in this picture at the 6 22 mark within the video
Angelus Domini
Do you see what's under the purple sky? A giant wave knocking over skyscrapers... Does anybody want to identify those buildings?

Again check the 6 22 mark within I PetGoat 2


but you get the idea here ....



In today's focus, it will be in this area


The falling Church depicts both metaphorically to modern churches, the doctrine as well as possibly literally in this area due to multiple events like the tsunami and then including a FROSTY FREEZE in this region.


Saint Patrick's Cathedral - Notice the pointed twin tops and the cross in the center, and the round stained glass window.


Window inside

download (1).jpg

Window Outside Close Up


The Cross in the Center


The interesting thing about Manhattan architecture is that it contains interesting curves, lines both modern and diverse

The Rockefeller Center


Other Buildings and Areas of Interest that show up in I Pet Goat 2 include the Statue of Liberty




The video shows the New York Manhattan area ABOUT TO BE COVERED BY A TSUNAMI that is tall enough to cover all of the city. It is hard to say just yet what causes it? A meteor impact? We see many heavenly incoming celestial events taking place here.

New York Referred to as the BIG APPLE


Hurricane Maria I Pet Goat II nuclear September.JPG

I Pet goat ii eclipse 2.JPG



Have you noticed that wherever the Lotus flower goes that there is a HUGE DIVINE chastisement or development that takes place?



In this case, NYC hence the world appears to suffer not only from one, but multiple chastisements in economic collapse when, the Dow drops as it has, the GREAT FREEZE of NY, but also a grand Tsunami covering this entire area of New York as a major marker! The economic collapse is very real. Right now it is already in a weakened state due to military investments, war prep, huge mortgage losses in the financing realm considering all the losses from the recent cataclysms in earthquakes, floods, fires, trade losses/issues. etc. It seems that the timing is upon us during these months.

Check out this headline

ICEMAGEDDON on the East Coast: Brutal first winter storm of the season brings up to six inches of snow, shuts down ALL New York buses and kills at least EIGHT across the US

The first snowstorm this season brought several inches of snow, slowing New York City's Thursday commute
A total of eight deaths have been reported from Winter Storm Avery as it swept across the country
The winter storm traveled up the East Coast on Thursday with 80 million people in its path
Washington DC saw snow in the morning with winter precipitation arriving in New York City early afternoon
Snow and ice have been expected from St Louis and the Appalachian Mountains through New England
Commuters were advised to avoid the Port Authority Bus Terminal due to extreme overcrowding
The terminal had become an immovable block of wall-to-wall commuters all gazing up at the schedule board
Airline chaos rippled across the country, with at least 464 flight cancellations and over 1,946 delays
A dozen school districts in New Jersey and as well as districts in Connecticut sent students home early

Brutal Winter Storm Kills...


Story Here


Notice the COIN under Obama's shoe? The New Kingdom cannot be suppressed much longer! Notice who was trying to suppress it? Obama and his shadow government.

Yes, the Official Coin of Christ is a BIG part of ushering in the New Kingdom ruled by the Messiah as King of all Kings.
Revelation 3:18
"I counsel you to buy gold from me, proved by FIRE, that you may prosper"

Haggai 2:8
"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts!"



Yes, there is a GOLDEN coin that people have been investing in to prepare for the New Kingdom! It releases when Christ takes the throne! It is the currency to absorb all others during the time of his throne. That time soon comes, but the powers that be have been trying to block it off since they know their time soon ends on planet earth when the Lord removes all corruption to take it over.

If you are not already aware, Obama is Gog! You see in the video the nervous look he gets because he knows that his time is now running short. He sees the writing on the wall. Psalm 23. He is set forth the shadow government foundation, but he will not rule as Christ does.

You are seeing catalysts from both the principalities of darkness and the light coming through these events. One will receive outer darkness while the other will behold the light of the New Kingdom.

So what is the URGENT part of this?

It is urgent because we are in the time period of Scorpio. The Scorpio Symbol here is highlighted so that you could better see it. This is the time period that it appears Saturn ignites fully, Meteors are destroying part of the earth including Egypt's Great pyramids during that time, Giant ice chunks are falling from Saturn's rings, you see Saturn as earth's new sun hence the radiating rings around it. The churches are falling away due to false doctrine and atrocities they commit and the Lord reveals, war and more. Eventually, everything will fall and be made new through Christ.

Notice the regular sun DOES NOT HAVE RINGS AROUND IT ...Saturn turns into the NEW SUN..Now when this happens a GREAT portion of the earth will turn to ICE. This is why everything in this video is SNOW AND ICE.


Now the Questions is .... Which Scorpio is It going to occur in? Keep your eye open on this !
Under the tropical zodiac (most commonly used in Western astrology), the Sun transits this area on average from October 23 to November 22. Under the sidereal zodiac (most commonly used in Hindu astrology), the Sun is in Scorpio from approximately November 16 to December 15.



Based on the images throughout this video you can see a lot of ICE ...So instead of looking a lot Like Christmas, it is looking like massive world changes, WAR, and DIVISION during this time of year. Christ has a plan and his mind is not divided...........his divine plan will unite the World as One under him.

Be prepared because it will be out with the corrupt OLD WAYS and in with the NEW!

Revelation 21:5
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.


The long-promised, golden age of plenty arrives! And that ... is but the beginning.


YES, there is more, but you must seek him and PREPARE quickly now.





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Other Sources Credits
Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
This is all purely educational and blog
Coincidence ...no such thing!
The Storm Is Here
The Whole Truth vs the Half They Tell You

and Yes, He IS really Here!


There are just too many signs to be ignored in this video!

It really continues to fascinate me with how much symbolism has been placed in these videos as warnings.

A lot of symbolism here! If you're not watching you miss a lot of these signs!

The signs are all around us, we keep anticipating the final moments. We know we are in the final stages as the markets have begun to plunge and there is no recovery in sight

Matthew 13:9
9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.

Things are unfolding exactly as the video predicted

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