fireIonic - Ionic 3 Firebase Starter Kit

in #ionic6 years ago


Official Post:

View ID: 9958901A
Released: August 6, 2018
Last Update: August 6, 2018
Version: 1.0.0

Ionic 3 Firebase Starter Kit, ready to quick develop quality modern-grade mobile apps for iOS and Android, with Firebase social login (Facebook, Google Plus & Twitter), Push Notifications, Geo Firestore and more.



- Firebase Backend

  • Cloud Storage, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Messaging, Cloud Functions & AngularFire2.

- Push Notifications

  • With Firebase Cloud Messaging.

- Functions

  • Samples of Cloud Functions scripts triggered when Firestore data is managed.

- Internationalization

  • i18n powered by ngx-translate

- Geo Firestore

  • Queries location with AGM (Angular Google Maps) + Cloud Firestore.

- Firebase Authentication

  • Email + Facebook, Google & Twitter.


  • Manage data from Cloud Firestore.

- UI/UX Features

  • Animations, Form validations, Alerts & Toasts.


- Pages

  • Intro (walkthrough)
  • Create Profile
  • Login
  • Register
  • Update Profile
  • Home
  • CRUD List
  • Create/Update Event
  • Event Detail/Delete
  • Event List
  • GeoFire
  • Create/Update Song
  • Song Detail/Delete
  • Song List
  • User List
  • Loader

- Organized Providers

- Pipes

- Interfaces

- Models (model classes)

- Environment

- i18n JSON

  • English (default)
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Setting up the starter

fireIonic is easily to install, configure and customizable, comes with suitable documentation for beginners and professionals.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 61766.31
ETH 2428.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64