Notes of Darkness - my #invisibledrawing - because, music.

Thanks to @yoganarchista for posting such a cool contest!

So. I was listening to music.. some trippy trance ish fun-ness... and this is what came of my experiment with drawing in the dark, almost entirely with my eyes closed:
As I was listening and feeling the beat, /I just let my hand glide over the paper with the pen. At first I didn't feel much and just kind of tried to draw what I was seeing in the darkness through slitted eyes or in my mind's eye with my eyes closed. Then, I just started thinking of the music and what it would LOOK like. I closed my eyes completely and did not open them again. I just felt the edges of the paper, felt the pen move and let my hand do what felt good. I started trying to draw the rythm of what I was hearing, because it felt natural. I imagined the notes, and some of them felt like pulses of light-- I drew in my mind what I imagined these notes looked and felt like.

When I opened my eyes and turned on the light, I was surprised at how well formed some of the notes I drew are. I can see the places where I felt there was a BLAST of light or energy as I drew and felt my vision become the darkness and music.

Sounds kind of crazy perhaps, but that is how it felt - like drawing/immortalizing notes of darkness. I think I will definitely try this again. Way too much fun.


Its great. Music is everywhere:)

Thank you! :) :) :)

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