Portfolio update: week 23 2018

Well like you all can imagine, I am not so fond to write this post! But because I do find transparency utmost important I will have to. Just like most of you, I didn't expect this set back and it does bring some doubts too mind. It just cannot be cause by the hack of a small decentralized exchange! It could have been the trigger, but it wasn't the main reason.
But let's cut the crap and see what it has done to my portfolio. Honestly I have no Idea.

It looks like a flat line but it isn't I just forgot to update the figures of last week. Silly me. It will be a decline of easily 18%. Just like last week. And to make it worse, I did invest some more fiat money into it :(



Like I wrote I did invest some fresh money into it. I did buy 50 extra shares of Stratis. The purchase price was 3,19 euro. Which allowed me to bring down the average purchase price from 6,55 euro to 5,42! Which is acceptable. I did purchase them with the idea to sell them when it does have increased 30 to 35%. Remind me if I do forget. But note to myself: you do have more then enough Stratis shares!


This will be interesting. It will seperate the good from the bad boys. Probably Stratis will be back into the top 3 I guess.

Last week:

  • NEO - 18,87%
  • KCS - 15,61%
  • Steem - 11,92%


This week:

  • NEO - 17,83%
  • STEEM - 15,26%
  • Stratis - 15,19%

Well I did expect Stratis to climb into the top 3! But NEO is holding strong and also we can't be to disappointed with Steem. Okay I did gave away a little bit of its market share in my portfolio but it was expected due to the purchase of Stratis.
Also no surprise that Stratis entered the top 3. It has almost a full percentage advantage over the fourth place, with is still KCS!

Winners and Losers


As you can see, it has been a real massacre out there! Bitcoin, Digibyte (surprise), Ehtereum and Elixir and the only ones with a loss less then 20%. On the other side of the board we do have Oyster Shell and Oyster Pearl, both lost more than 40%.

Next week

I am standing ready with some fresh fiat cash to invest. The problems which arise is WHEN and in WHAT!
I do consider some investments lost. These are VibeHub, Monetha and maybe Snovio. I can whine about it and just let it ride and see where it ends! I will go for the last!
So, I do have some coins in which I do want to bring down the average book price and in which I do want to strengthen my position. There are Bitcoin, Ehtereum, Steem and maybe Neblio!
The problem is that I can't decide in which to invest. All have their Pros and for sure also their cons.
Investing in steem, would be a no brainer, cause I do use it every day! It will allow me to set up an account for the 2 sons! There are 6 and 9, but if it even will be a leading blockchain, they will have a head start compared to their friends :)
Or maybe I should step onto the EOS train. The problem is that it is way above my initial purchase price! But it could/should be capable of increase the price 5 times. Which would make it a good investment!
So, if you do have any advice, let me know! I know that it will be my own decision but some other opinions are very much appreciated!

Keep the faith,

Sports Bettors On Steemit Unite and Join the SBC !



Upvoted ($0.14) and resteemed by @investorsclub

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It'll come back one day! As they all say HODL for now @fullcoverbetting!

We all hope that it will!

Sad week :( At least there's the World Cup to distract from the misery...

There is. Still no idea which the market will go but decided to invest some more. Also in steem so will see how it goes!

In this red days I don't even check price. No point for that at moment :-)

I know that there is no real use for a hodler to check the prices at the moment. But I did tell myself that I would write about the portfolio at least once a week to keep myself focused :). So, that's what I do.
I do have this habit from my sportsbetting blogging days. Also there I did report the losses, because for a tipping punter transparency is more important than reporting only winning bets.

Looks like time to buy to me!

And it is and I did. More about that later on this week!

We are all down, but I'm will be buying more Steem. Also, I did like EOS, but not anymore when I found out 10 accounts own roughly %50 of the tokens. Appreciate the transparency.

True, but still I do feel that I need to have some EOS in my portfolio. I would never forget myself if it really would go to $50. Which will the max for this year, if they will reach it.
I guess it will be one of the contenders for Ethereum, together with NEO. But due to the amount of max supply of coins, I do see it going towards $100 soon.
Also did power up some Steem :)

Hey @fullcoverbetting

I know a little downtrend was expected but the drop took me by surprise too. I'm certain it will recover and get back on track. I've heard a few people say this is the preparation before the climb to ATH's.

Lets hope so.


Hi Gaz,
That indeed would be a great scenario. I am planning to invest a little but more but from then I am done with investing and will wait to harvesting!


Sounds like a good plan. Some more Steem for me and then see what happens. Hopefully the moon's in there somewhere! 😁

Lets forget the moon and let’s go straight to Mars!

hi @fullcoverbetting

Bumped into your post accidently. Thanks for sharing your porfolio with us.

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

big fat upvote on the way! :)

I will follow you closely :)
Take care, Piotr

Hi Piotr,

Looks like we share more. Piotr is the same as Peter but then in another language!
We also have the same amount of own steempower :)
Just took a look at your blog and decided to follow you back! Maybe you should look into the @investorsclub. You could be a great addition to it!

I am sharing the portfolio from the beginning and I do transparency important. This way I could valuable tips and hopefully I can prevent others from doing the same mistakes :)
Also, it is nice that at least one day per week, I do know in front what the write about :)


hi buddy

Looks like we share more. Piotr is the same as Peter but then in another language!

Exacly. You're the first person ever who realized it hehe :)

We also have the same amount of own steempower :)

Serious? :) lol. I never thought about comparing it :)

Thanks for recommending visiting @investorsclub. I will definetly look at it. Appreciate.


No EOS? I'd be thinking about going heavy EOS if I were you. :D

I did buy a small share of EOS.
Only 12, so just not enough to make me a millionaire 😔.
We will see how it goes.
Maybe some more investments next week. Than I strengthen Neo, Bitcoin and perhaps also Eos.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 65292.16
ETH 2651.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85