Silver trading bullish at $14.86oz. Remains one of the most undervalued and highly manipulated Assets on the Planet.

#Investors-Group News - Spot #Silver Price


#Silver remains Bullish

#Silver trading bullish at $14.86oz.

Without any shadow of doubt, #Silver remains one of the most undervalued and highly manipulated Assets on the Planet and it is trading #Bullish..!!

At $14.86oz keep a very close eye on the direction of #Silver over the next few days.

Thanks again for reading.


#Debt #Crisis #Derivatives


Silvers looking pretty good from what I remember during a recession gold and silver increase in price? Do I have that right? If so we could be looking at a major bull run again for silver in 2019 and 2020 depending on how this all plays out.

They all keep saying they dont see USA slipping into a recession but lets be honest its going to take a huge effort for that not to happen. The markets have been suffering and everything has been slowing down.

They all keep saying they dont see USA slipping into a recession

I don't see it this way.

I have been saying for years that since 2008 we have never actually come out of recession.

If you deduct all the Debt, Derivatives and Stimulus that has been piled up like a stack of festering pile of horse manure, the Global Economy is in a way far worse state now that it was 2008.

The Global Economy is a deep, deep, deep recession because what is really going on is that Global GDP is having to borrow $4.00 to achieve $1.00 growth.

...and that $4.00 has still to be paid back..!!

Silver and Gold are set take off on a stratospheric course.


I agree that almost 8 year long bear market in precious metal will come to a end soon, and when it breaks up than the market will go into a deep dive down!

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What is your vision of this asset?

Posted using Partiko Android

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