Not sure what DigiAssets are? This short video should hopefully help explain.

Credit: Amon Unlimited Cryptocurrency Videos

#DigiByte Crypto Commercial - What are #DigiAssets

For those that may still be unfamiliar with #DigiAssets the short video above should hopefully help explain.

#DigiAssets will be one of the many Applications, Projects and Businesses that we will be promoting on the #DigiByte Bus.

#DigiByte Bus - #DigiAssets

DigiByte Bus - DigiAssets logo.jpg

#DigiByte Bus - #DigiAssets Property Fund

DigiByte Bus - DigiAssets Property Fund.jpg

#Promo-Steem / #Promo-DigiByte Project

Once again a massive thank you to everyone in the #Steem Community who have supported the new and existing #Promo-Steem / #Promo-DigiByte Project.

Thanks again for reading.






Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63725.17
ETH 2619.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82