My Journey with Google is Over! So I'm back posting on Steemit

in #investments4 years ago (edited)

Recently, my Google Account was hacked. The hacker tried to gain control of my primary and secondary Gmail. I had no recourse but to delete my facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Google Accounts. I deleted everything Google including my Chrome Browser. To my dismay, I noticed the youtube was throttling back the loading of videos. Apparently Google doesn't want users/customers using competing Browsers like Edge & Firefox. I'm sure there are already class action lawsuits being file with the FCC on this matter.
Most Citizens with half a brain cell know that the Social Media Platforms filter truth for their own agenda's.

My mission is to share the truth to those who will listen. Feel free to share this information with family and friends.
What I'm sharing with you is beyond political pawns, but a battle between Good and Evil. We truly live in "The Matrix" because agendas supersede truth.
Below is a must see video for all Citizens of the World. Note: you can also watch the is video on Youtube. search: Joe M "The Plan to save the World" if the video has not been blocked by youtube.

Geo Political:
The Alliance/Good Guys will show that the Russian Collusion was not by Trump but by the Lawless Deep State Republicans & Democrats, FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department and British Intelligence. This will cause huge Geo Political fall out. The Main Street Media/Propagandists will try to spin these revelations as false. but it is the Truth. There are over 104,000 Sealed Indictments. Justice will be served.

Proverbs 21:15

15 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous
but terror to evildoers.

Macro Economics:
I had an epiphany that the economic fundamentals no longer apply, because any asset price can be manipulated using the leveraging power of the $1.4 Quadrillion Derivatives Market.

Economic Truths:
The Government's Economic Data is manipulated to serve political agendas. So the Data is inaccurate and flawed

Corporations have used Engineered Accounting to make balance sheets appear more profitable.

After the 1929 Crash, Politicians realized that Stock Buy Backs were abused by Corporate Executives to drive up their Stock Price and then sell their shares.

     laws were passed to restrict Stock Buy Back abuses.  It appears these historical abuses are in full force today.

Corporate Stock Buy Backs and Dividends have reach $14.5 Trillion since 2009.
Corporations use Stock Buy Backs to reflect an increased to their EPS, while revenues are declining.

The Central Banks & The US Treasury suppress Gold & Silver prices to keep their Debt Based Fiat Monetary System alive.

The $4 Trillion in passive investing ETFs will cause liquidity problems, during the next Stock Market correction.

The Central Banks have not increased GDP or created an Economic Recovery, but created asset bubbles in Real Estate, Stock Markets and Bond Markets.

The Central Banks massive economic interventions has made historical economic charts obsolete.

Business Owners, Investors & Computer Algorithms are making investment decisions base on manipulated data, thus flawed data.

 The Central Banks are increasing their Gold & Silver reserves beyond 1960's levels. A Global Monetary Reset is being implemented
 Citizens need to become their own Central Bank. "Gold is Money everything else is Credit" JP Morgan.  

God Bless you & your Family, Weston a.k.a The Watchman

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