What helped you to become an investor?

in #investments8 years ago

Probably, not only to me, it seems a real alternative investments and the employment and occupation of business, and even create their own business. I do not remember exactly how long after exploring the CASHFLOW Quadrant, I realized that an employee, an entrepreneur or a businessman to be born, so different inner qualities required of their representatives. Instead, the investor may be an employee and an entrepreneur and businessman, so everything is simple and clear.

And now, after several years of investment experience, I enthusiastically rushed to transfer it to the masses. My argument has been that way. This businessman or entrepreneur is not beneficial to disclose the sources of their success; as soon as the market trader will tell about their suppliers, then immediately get a competitor, who will select the part of his income. If the investor will tell others about their investments, they will become even more attractive and will rise in price immediately. Therefore, the investor be easy and pleasant. It's nice to help people and get a reward.

And, of course, I thought so and taught not just me. And then, and now it was and there are many books on investing, many courses and manuals. The authors say again and again that everything is simple and gives their recipes. If we follow this logic, you should see a lot of investors. Yes, there are many - all have become investors. In reality, this is not observed. What is the problem? Explain properly explain not explain do not explain not this or that? Let's investigate. Maybe something that - as he said Zhvanetskiy - correct in the conservatory?

What helped you personally to become an investor? Books, courses, personal advisers, their own thoughts or personal experiences? Maybe neither one nor the other, and no third? Maybe, too, the investor must be born?


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