Where to invest money on the Internet in 2016, if not enough of them?

in #investments8 years ago

Hello to all readers of my blog. Today I decided to sanctify the banal at first glance, the theme that sucked all over the internet from and to - where to invest? A few months later comes the new 2016, and therefore, I recommend
today to start preparing their investment plans for the next year. Set a goal - how much you want to earn passively every day?

Basically, in the first pages of search engines on demand "where to invest money," hang links to sites where you can find any information about investment: bank deposits, life insurance, inserting money in precious stones and metals, as well as in mutual funds (mutual funds ), but very little information about the passive earnings on the Internet. Perhaps I should write an article about it!
I'll start with the most simple.
What do you know about investing and the risks? And if you tell someone that paying the money, there is a big chance of losing them? And if you thought that "investing" US dollars, you have become a victim of fraud, which could convince you that making the right decision?

I never recommend my readers to put right all the money into one project. You should always start small, but better - from the savings!

If you decide to invest in the Internet, so you are relying on passive income, and the first rule for the novice investor is: "do not put your eggs in one basket!"

To invest in the creation of a blog

Perhaps this is the most common way to invest small amounts. In order to buy a domain name and hire a virtual hosting, a lot of money is not required, but for passive income, you need to create a "good product" (great site).

To support the vital functions of your website, it is sometimes necessary to invest the money for the purchase of articles, links and other "elements" that will help the development of your Internet project.

The process of creation and promotion of the site is long, but interesting and not suitable for anyone who wants to earn passively.

A very simple to earn online: put ads on Google and it will bring you passive income. Such advertising, you can see at the top and at the bottom of this article.

To invest in the purchase and resale of quality articles (or write yourself)

On the Internet there is such a valuable profession - a copywriter. This is a man who knows how to write beautifully and sell their articles.

Good articles are always interesting to potential buyers. Stateyny exchanges on the Web there are many.
You buy a dozen of good articles or find skilled copywriters, book they stuff them pay money and resell on the forums, exchanges and other services more expensive.

Invest in the development of passive income in the economic game "The Age of the Clones"

In this article I will answer the most pressing questions regarding this game.

I recommend that you use this game as an additional platform for passive income. To get started, create a clone (a character in the game) and then buy the shares for the amount that the total daily income amounted to 0.50 cents per day. Note: economic game there are more than eight years. Money from it is very easy to bring to WebMoney purse.
To invest in the purchase of capacity on the cloud services of mining.
Buy power and earn cryptocurrency. For me, trading on cryptocurrency, not only income, but also a hobby ...
Invest in traffic arbitration

This is an interesting view of earnings, but sometimes risky and requires specific knowledge. Also, I would not have carried the traffic arbitration by 100% to passive income, but so no less.

How to work? You register in the most popular spa affiliate and attract traffic (people) to a particular resource and for that receive money, or rather for the actions of the involved traffic, for example, through advertising Yandex or Google. In order to simply try a lot of investment is needed.

To summarize

On the Internet there are many other types of income, but they do not include investments, and requires you to concrete and sustained action (work), for the people and receive honestly earned money.

Internet does not like lazy and as such are unable to find freebies. Someone mastering HTML and learning sites and impose on it earns good fees. Someone like creative work, and he mastered the profession of a web designer, since today there are lots of both paid and free lessons.

Throughout his practice, I was able to try all of these points both passive and active earnings and proof of that - my blog Xalabuda and several successful online projects.

I hope I get awaken in you a desire to work in 2016, and make more money on the investment plan for 2017? If yes - go for it!


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