You are more incredible than you know!

in #investment7 years ago

I have a really good friend of mine that said something to me that has stuck with me for such a long time. As I was leaving from a class in Ministry and Leadership school for break, I asked him, "How are you doing?" His reply, "Just trying to be like you!" WOW, what an incredible compliment, is probably what a lot of you reading this are saying to yourselves. And you are exactly right. My immediate response back to him was, "You will only ever be a second rate me and I can only ever be a second rate you. I'll tell you what. Why don't you focus on being the best you that you can be and I will focus on being the best me that I can be." I said it in jest because my nature is being a smart ass. And as I always say, "Better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass!" But seriously, I wrote recently about Dream Stealers and Believers. You may ask what do those 2 topics have to do with anything, let alone the topic of this post?

We live in a society and in a time when drama, distractions and keeping up with the Jones' seem to be the norm. It seems to be who can have the latest, greatest, newest (new word I just created, NOT!) whatever. Phone, Car, House, again, whatever! We as a society have seemed to have forgotten just how awesome we are! We are so worried about what others think of us, we don't understand they aren't thinking about us, they are only thinking about themselves. So why would I want to be like anybody else? I can only be the best me and only a second rate somebody else! I have spoken about other's dreams and the opinions from others about our dreams. We have to be protective of our dreams, but we also need to be sensitive to the dreams of others. Some people are not strong emotionally about their dreams. They can believe in their dreams so strongly that they are still emotionally weak and when opposing opinions come at them, their weakness gives way and they tend to invest in opinion more than in their dreams. I would caution all of my readers and followers, no matter how long you have known somebody and have seen their bad and good sides, have a heart and invest in the dreams of others. What you will find is that the Universe will conspire to make both of your dreams come true, beyond anything you could have ever imagined.

When I close my posts and replies, I always close with "Passionate about your dreams", and the reason I do is because as passionate and excited as I am about my dreams, I am just as excited and passionate about your dreams! When you are so excited you can't sleep because you're dreaming about incredible things, and when you talk to people about your dreams you are talking a mile a minute, you exude passion. You're smiling as your talking and the people you are talking to can feel your excitement. They buy into your dream and they become passionate about your dream as well. If you find yourself vulnerable to outside opinions about your dreams and you feel like you are not vested as much as you should be, shoot me a message and let's get invested into your dream!

Passionate about your Dreams!



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Confusing at the same time interesting. Not all people find other people's dream exciting nor not all people wants to support other people's dream. Good to know that you are able to feel that way. I'm not really excited in all the dreams people have but I am always happy and very supportive to everyone who is taking even a single step to their dreams. 😉😉

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